Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

Oggy and Jack are playing an interminable game of chess. Oggy moves one of his pawns forward and...checkmate! But Jack is not a good loser and he decides that he won't have anything more to do with a cheater. Every cat for himself now!

Official Synopsis, [1]

Winner Takes All is the 54th episode of Season 1, and was remade as the seventy-sixth episode for Season 6 under the title Bad Sport.


Oggy and Jack were sleeping between a chess match. Joey shows up. He sees that they're asleep and takes distinct advantage and takes away a pawn. Joey rings a bell and he's out of here. Now, It's Oggy's turn. He sees that the pawn isn't there, defending the King, and he put his queen ahead the king, who had no way to run, and Oggy's Queen was supported by a rook. Oggy only says that he defeated Jack for the first time. Jack looks angrily at the board and then at Oggy. However, Oggy maintains sportsmanship spirit and gives Jack a handshake. Jack's snout turns bright red and he somehow slices off Oggy's palm to a pencil. Oggy got bewildered. Jack walks off. Oggy rubbed the pencil to his head thoughtfully and confusingly. Jack had now made walls and walls and all of the things of the house were half-half, and Jack was completing a few bricks left for the wall. He threatened Oggy to never come to his side of the wall. Oggy shouted to apologize, but Jack dropped a partiality parcel in his mouth. Oggy opens his belly and took it out. He opened it and found a letter which had the writings on it in cursive, being accused of cheating. Oggy looks up again, but Jack drops a brick on him. Oggy walked away upset. Joey stood beside, chuckling in a frantic manner. He kissed the pawn saying he's the checkmate-guy who started the fight. He walks away enjoying this rubbish war.

Jack, now, is stealing all of the items at Oggy's side, like the food, the TV, the toilet and even the bedroom.

Later, Oggy went to draw a peace symbol for peace but Jack spotted him and shot tomatoes at him. Oggy asked for peace showing a white flag, but Jack shot the flag to an underwear. Next, Jack walks with a missile until Oggy shields himself and asked Jack to play a new game of chess but Jack shot the missile at Oggy. However, there was no casualty with Oggy while Jack came to kick the missile. Oggy helps Jack while in the other side, Joey, Dee Dee and Marky decided to get out of the house and wear sunglasses with the stolen pawn. Jack hit the missile with a hammer and the entire house blasted up, and the cockroaches were enjoying it. Oggy and Jack saw the cockroaches took the pawn and realized that they fought for nothing. They became angry and furious, but the cockroaches were shameless.

Now that the house was rebuilded back to normal, Oggy and Jack sat near the campfire and on a tiger skin playing chess. As a punishment for the cockroaches, they were dressed like chessman pieces the cats were ordering them to move. Joey thinks of repenting his mistake.




Other languages[]

Language Name Translation
Arabic خلاف بين جوكي وأوجي A Dispute Between Jockey and Oggy
French Qui Perd Gagne Who Loses Wins



Oggy and the Cockroaches 🐴 WINNER TAKES ALL 🏆 (S01E55) Full Episode


Oggy and the Cockroaches - Bad Sport (s06e76) Full Episode in HD


  1. Oggy and the Cockroaches - WINNER TAKES ALL (S1E55) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on Jan 16, 2018, on YouTube. Accessed Sep 7, 2019.)