Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

Whose Turn To Do The Dishes? is the 73rd episode of Season 7. Jack has left the house in a total mess and Oggy makes him clean up. The cockroaches, who are living in the dirty dishes, make sure that Jack would rather play around than clean the house.


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A taxi-bus arrives and drops Oggy who has toured the entire world and bought new things. Now he rings the bell while Jack was busy watching TV, playing some games. Jack knew it was Oggy and he murmurs that Oggy went for a month holiday but he finished in 2 weeks. The cockroaches supported Jack for he hasn't been too strict to them as usual. Jack lazily opens the door and Oggy was eager to enter his home but sees the mess created around. Jack departs for his home, thinking his duty is done but Oggy caught hold of him by his neck and asks him to clean the mess.

Now as the kitchen was the large dustbin, Oggy made Jack to clean the dishes handing him a detergent and a scrubber. Now Jack cleaned three dishes only but cockroaches, to stop him, they divert Jack from cleaning to playing some mobile games. Jack sees the phone and starts playing for a long time, murmuring that he'll clean dishes at last and put priority to the video games.




Language Name Translation
Ukrainian Виховна робота The Educational Work(?)



Oggy and the Cockroaches - Whose Turn to Do the Dishes? (s07e73) Full Episode in HD


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