Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

Oggy is in the attic and wears his cowboy hat, unaware that 3 lice are in his hair. Oggy starts scratching his head and lends his comb to Jack who lends it to Bob and the three of them start scratching their heads. Olivia sees this and tries to clean their hair. Meanwhile she had an idea. She let Joey and his gang remove all the fleas. BUT it was revealed that it was already in Olivia.

Official Synopsis, [1]

What a Lousy Day! is the 33rd episode of Season 4.


On the attic, some lice walks to the cowboy hat and kicks the cube, and laughs. Then Oggy comes up to the attic with a box and places it. Then, Oggy takes the cowboy hat and wears it. Then Oggy walks to the mirror and shows himself as a cowboy. Then, Oggy placed the cowboy hat on the chair and closed the door. Oggy was sleeping now, then the lice went into Oggy's hair.

When it's morning, The alarm clock started to awake him. Oggy has woken up, then walks to the bathroom to wash his hair. Then Oggy combs his hair, and smiles. Oggy goes to the kitchen, and makes some coffee, then placed it on the table and greet Jack. Then Jack walks to the kitchen, and Oggy was laughing, then Jack takes some coffee, then drinks it, and Oggy hands the comb to Jack, and Oggy shows his finger.

Then, Jack walks behind the house, then Jack was practicing yoga, then Bob watches on the bush, and Jack hands the comb to Bob, then, Bob combs his hair. Next, Olivia sees Oggy and Jack plays Poker with head lice, then Oggy cheats the Poker game and Oggy wins. Olivia looks at Bob, he can't even dry his clothes with head lice itching him.

Then, Olivia goes down the ladder, like an elevator, then Olivia calls them to come to Olivia. Everyone has head lice, then Olivia checks their hair to see what happened, how they had head lice. When Olivia checks their hair, Olivia was shocked when they have lice. When a male and a female lice mate inside someone's hair, they create lots of lice eggs. But, there were only 1 lice in each of the trio's hair. And all of them were male.

Then Oggy, Jack and Bob still has head lice, but Bob takes a comb with lice to Jack, then Jack was screaming, and Jack tells the other was using the comb for hair and then, Jack takes a comb to Oggy's nose, but Oggy can tell off Jack, and Jack was screaming like a tiger, and Bob hit Jack, but Olivia was saying stop hitting. Then Olivia takes some lice cream, but they don't want to go to the bathroom, but Olivia shows it, but they don’t care.

In the bathroom, Oggy was using his foot to take some toothpaste instead of his hand, because he still had head lice. Then Jack was driving the car but with head lice, and Bob still had head lice, and also didn't dry his clothes. Then Jack tries to get rid of his head lice with a car ceiling. Oggy was brushing his teeth so hard and Bob tries ridding the head lice with grass and again. Then Jack was screaming but... His car turned into the house, then Oggy brushed his eyes instead of teeth.

Olivia wears gloves to take some louse cream, then take a pantsocks to cover the itchiness. Then, Olivia was spraying their hair and wears pantsocks one by one. When Joey sees it, Joey calls his friend to come to look at Oggy, Jack and Bob, then the cockroaches laugh. Then, Olivia was done with covering their head.

Oggy was outside, but the man sees Oggy, it was so funny when Oggy wear pantsocks, but Oggy was running, but the other man was bullying Oggy, then, Oggy escapes the bully and goes to his house. When Jack sees a women, Jack takes a flower to her, but his hat flies off, then the women runs off, and then Jack eats a flower. Then Bob go to the bank, and The bank officials saw it, and were shocked, closed the doors and then, the police came to the bank, and then, Bob gives up.

In the house, everyone's hair were very good. But the head lice were still on their hair, then Bob combs his hair, Oggy and Jack still has head lice. Then, Olivia come to cockroaches, and tell the cockroaches to hit the louse for them. Then, the two cockroaches agreed, but Joey punched Dee Dee and Marky, but, Olivia kisses Joey, then Joey agreed to help. When the cockroaches were ready to hit louse, they jump into the hair. Marky calls a louse with a shotgun, but sees a bunny, but Marky was Forbidding him to shoot it, then the louse looks at Marky, then Marky takes the gun to the wrong side, and then the louse shoots himself. Then, Dee Dee pulls up the monitor to trick the louse, then the louse turns into dough, and turns into a snack. Joey walks to the louse, then Joey calls the louse. Then the louse takes orange juice to Joey. Then, all the louse got hit by the cockroaches. And all the louse were out of their hair. Then the cockroaches was finishing off the louse. Then, Olivia say get out to the louse, then the louse escapes. Then, everyone were happy.

Then Oggy and Jack plays Poker without head lice, and Bob can dry his clothes as usual. When Olivia has head lice, the others see it. Jack takes some lice cream, and Bob calls Olivia to take some pantsocks, but Olivia runs away, and then the cockroaches were laughing madly.


  • After Olivia sees the lice eggs with her magnifying glass, 2 pictures reveal that when a male and a female lice mate inside someone's hair, they create lots of lice egg. But there were only 1 lice in each of the trio's hair. And all of them were male. So it is unknown why there were a lot of lice eggs in the trio's hairs.
  • The Wilhelm Scream can be heard Oggy wearing hat and using gun.
  • This one of the few episodes where the cockroaches have a non-antagonistic role. In fact, they help Oggy, Jack and Bob to get rid of the lice who are the antagonists in this episode.




Oggy and the Cockroaches - What A Lousy Day ! (S4E34) Full Episode in HD


  1. Oggy and the Cockroaches - What a Lousy Day! (S4E33) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on May 31, 2016, on YouTube. Accessed Oct 31, 2019.)