Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

Not to be confused with Poor Sports.

Oggy, Jack and Olivia go to an aquatic park for the day. The cockroaches wreak havoc by fiddling around with the wave-making machine and cranking it to max. They also take the giant slide apart, let the air out of the big inflatable ring the cats are on...

Official Synopsis, [1]

Water Sports is the 49th episode of Season 4.


Oggy, Jack and Olivia are go to a waterpark, they scan their tickets and go to the changing rooms. Oggy's bag gets stuck on the gate and breaks free. Just then the cockroaches snuck in by hiding in someone's floater. Joey draws a sign for the cockroaches so that he, Marky and Dee Dee can enter the vent. Now changed into their swimsuits, Oggy, Jack and Olivia are now ready to swim. The cockroaches got ready too but Oggy swats Joey because the cockroaches might cause trouble again, so they pointed them back to the vent.

Olivia is in the pool and she tells Oggy that he is ready but Jack pushes him to the water. Jack makes a great big dive by performing tricks to everyone's amazement but he hits Bob because he prohibits diving in the water park. He beats him up and Jack makes an OK hand gesture and Olivia laughed. Meanwhile, the cockroaches are getting washed until they heard the noise outside. They saw that everyone is riding the wave while Oggy is getting hit by the wave. Joey watches in anger and Marky and Dee Dee took the mop's head. Joey tells them to go to the pool and dive. Bob who is in the control room watches them dive in shock since he doesn't allow diving and he whistles angrily to Marky and Dee Dee. When he makes a dive, he misses them and hits the bottom of the pool. Marky and Dee Dee walked away as if nothing had happend and they walked to the control room with Joey. Marky and Dee Dee mess around with the controls to make everyone ride a big wave, making fountains and a whirlpool which causes them to fall off the pool. Joey breaks the lever to make the cats scream in horror. The cats held on with the surfboard and flew in the air with Jack and Olivia land in palm trees and Oggy hitting the ground and Oggy gives a thumbs up.

Later, the cats try out the blue waterslide. Jack and Olivia are excited but Oggy feels nervous because he thinks it's too dangerous and scary, so he waited after them at the elevator. Oggy thinks he is ready but a screw hits his head and more screws fell to the ground. Oggy sees the cockroaches unscrewing the slide to make Jack and Olivia off the waterpark. Oggy sees them in shock so he rushes off to stop them but Bob stops Oggy because climbing over the waterslide is also prohibited. Oggy tells Bob that the cockroaches are unscrewing the waterslide. Bob doesn't know it at first when Oggy steals a kid's floater, places it in Bob's body and pushes him to the pool. Oggy climbs up the waterslide and when he reaches the top, he sees in shock that Jack and Olivia are sliding down with the waterslide unscrewed. Jack and Olivia are having the time of their life when finds a hose. Oggy uses the hose to jump down to the pink waterslide and unscrews the bolts from it. This makes Jack and Olivia transition into the pink slide. Oggy and the Cockroaches were continuously unscrewing the slides when Jack and Olivia are flying to the air and landed in the water. The Cockroaches landed the water as well and laughed at Oggy being crushed by the pipe.

Jack, then tries out the three-lane waterslide while Oggy and Olivia are waving at him. He slides down but Joey fish-hooks his swimming trunks and hits Bob. Bob whistles angrily at him because he also prohibits public nudity, so he beats up Jack again. Later, Olivia tells Oggy and Jack to ride in their own floater. Jack is excited but Oggy is scared and the two hopped in the floater. However when the cats are heading to a waterfall, Jack and Olivia are screaming in excitement but Oggy fearing for horror. Oggy is feeling sick when the roaches arrive in their own floaters. Jack controls the floater and pushes Marky and Dee Dee into a rock, then he takes Oggy's flyswatter and he and Joey sticks his nose out. The two are going to have a fight when Joey pops their floater with his nose. This leads the cats floating across the waterpark hitting several people, and bouncing into sides of the waterslides. Bob tells them to stop but they hit him and he is holding on their floater. Olivia waves at Bob, then he whistles angrily at them and Jack points out that he is going to hit the glass. Bob hits the glass but the glass breaks and the entire waterpark is completely destroyed, then the cats and the roaches leave the waterpark.

Back at home, the cats are enjoying a relaxing peace and quiet in their inflatable pool. Then Bob arrives wanting to swim too so he jumps in and squishes the cats.




Oggy and the Cockroaches - Water Sports (S4E49) Full Episode in HD


  1. Oggy and the Cockroaches - Water Sports (S4E49) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on Jul 15, 2016, on YouTube. Accessed Oct 31, 2019.)