Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

Oggy is invited to a jet-set party at Lord Latouille’s castle. The latter introduces him to his friends as Oggy, the famous cartoon hero, but nobody cares. Poor Oggy discreetly goes to the buffet to cheer himself up. There, he finds the cockroaches...

Official Synopsis, [1]

V.I.P Party is the 5th episode of Season 3. Oggy attends a fancy party.


Oggy is invited to a party at a big mall, when he enters in he sees the party overcrowded, the party manager introduces himself to Oggy and then introduces Oggy to all the guests as the star of his cartoon. But the people didn’t care, as Oggy goes off to eat food, the cockroaches follow him except Joey who was love struck by a woman named Justine Delarue. When Oggy goes to eat the food, he notices Marky and DeeDee, and the chase begins, the people are shocked to see Oggy causing chaos. Embarrassed, Oggy goes next door to chase them, DeeDee and Marky scare off Oggy with a severed Pig-head model, Oggy runs off inside the knights armor and fights it off, but was defeated. Oggy opens the model and notices the cockroaches and chases them, but he notices the party manager and his coworkers. He tells them everything is okay, meanwhile Joey in the meantime is trying to impress Justine, Oggy goes into the portrait hallway to find the cockroaches, Marky and DeeDee slam onto one of the portraits and gives them a chase to the library where he again meets up with the manager and his coworkers, Oggy stops by to read some books while he’s on the lookout for the cockroaches. He sees the cockroaches chewing out one of the pages and he slams the book and use all kinds of violent tools to end their madness. DeeDee and Marky use a scrap paper of a rocket ship and fly off on the doorway to the other side of the building as Oggy follows them. Confused, Oggy walks into a room filled with bugs and tries to check the other room, to find out he’s in the chimney. Joey hits off the dance floor with Justine, Oggy meanwhile meets up with a big, N obese woman who was the princess and two also hit the date floor, while Oggy tries to escape from her. Joey and Justine walk to the balcony to share their kiss, but Justine realizes that it’s midnight and runs off to home, Joey tries to stop her from leaving, but it’s too late. The heartbroken Joey sees Justine’s shoes and starts crying, Deedee and Marky make fun of Joey for losing his love, leaving the latter with Joey beating them up. The princess ties Oggy to a chair and goes to the manager to tell about her marriage with Oggy, but Oggy takes the chair and runs off into the car to escape this marriage proposal. Now at home, Oggy is busy watching TV, while Joey tries to retrieve his memories with Justine by bringing her shoe into the house. Oggy hears a doorbell and goes to see who is it and is shocked to see the princess.


  • When Justine Delarue leaves the party by midnight and accidentally leaves her shoe behind, this is a reference of Cinderella.



  • In the original version for the episode, After the cockroaches disguised themselves using a pig mask and scares Oggy, Marky was accidentally recolored with Joey's colors. This was fixed in the episode's remake.


  • When Oggytakes the chair and runs off into the car to escape this marriage proposal, 2 boss guard doors are gone






Oggy and the Cockroaches - VIP PARTY (S03E05) Full Episode in HD



Oggy and the Cockroaches Special Compilation - Double episode - cartoon for kids

  1. Oggy and the Cockroaches - VIP PARTY (S03E05) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on Sep 18, 2018, on YouTube. Accessed Jan 3rd, 2019.)