Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

Following the explosion of his booby-trapped toothbrush, Oggy loses one of his baby teeth. He puts it under his pillow in hopes that the tooth fairy will visit. The next morning, Joey witnesses something mindboggling...

Official synopsis, [1]

Tooth Good to be True is the 15th episode of Season 1 and was remade as the eighth episode for Season 6 under the title Tooth Exchange. Joey tries to get money from the Little Mouse, only for his crazed greed to get him in trouble.


Across the hallway, Oggy and Joey are having a chase over a roll of toilet paper, then Joey tells his brothers to launch a metal plate to Oggy’s face, which hits him, causing a baby milk tooth to fall out of his mouth.

In the bedroom, Oggy kisses his milk tooth and puts the pillow onto his bed to cover the tooth. He gets on his bed, but he was shocked when there is a balloon deflating under his blanket. Then Joey taunts at Oggy when the latter took the deflated balloon out. Oggy then went asleep and Joey yawns and says "goodnight" to him.

The next day, Oggy was lifting the pillow when he saw a coin. Then Joey gets up, looking at Oggy putting the coin into his Cow-y Bank, much to his chagrin. This makes Joey think about himself in a magic show contest showing people his magic trick to turn a tooth into a coin using a pillow.

He then tries to do the same thing but for real this time. He takes one of his teeth from his mouth, then he puts the pillow over the tooth and counts down from three to one, and when he lifts the pillow, he was shocked that the tooth doesn't turn into a coin at all. He tries again for the second time, but still wasn't that successful, and he tried again several times until he gave up and threw the tooth through the window, landing on Oggy's tummy. Oggy grabs it and saw a stork flying so he thinks that the stork's tooth fell down.

At nighttime, Oggy puts the tooth on his bed under the pillow, then he went into the bed. As Oggy fell asleep, Joey took another off his teeth out of his mouth and placed it under the pillow, then he pats Oggy's head and sneaks under the clock, then he gave us a thumbs up, hoping that he will have money.

The next morning, the clock rings, waking Joey up. Oggy, already awake, stops the clock and finds two coins under his pillow. He goes up to insert them into his Cow-y Bank. Joey then flies to get the coin but instead landed on the backside of the Cow-y Bank. He soon falls off.

In the air vent, Dee Dee and Marky were watching Joey making a huge makeshift tooth using tape, then Joey places the fake tooth under the pillow while Oggy was sleeping. Then the mouse came in, taking the fake tooth with him. Then he noticed that the "tooth" had some straight lines on it, so he took the magnifying glass to look at it. The tape peels off to reveal a black object with red electric shock marks on it, then he gets upset about it and cries hysterically, knowing the betrayer (Joey) and decided not to give Joey a single gold coin.

Back in the air vent, Joey looks at the giant coin while his brothers look at him. Joey then grabs the coin and gets so happy that he didn't notice a stick of dynamite, taped on the backside of the coin, exploding in front of him, throwing the purple-pink roach onto the wall. Joey then loses all off his teeth.

Next, Joey puts all of his teeth under the pillow while Oggy is sleeping, then Joey went up to the air vent to tell Dee Dee and Marky, but they went back asleep quickly. Then, Joey dreams of using the coin on the vending machine and get a soda can without getting smacked by Oggy. Dee Dee and Marky went back to sleep after they briefly look at him, wondering what will he do with the coin.

When Oggy saw a stack of banknotes after lifting the pillow up, Joey, thinking that they are "coins", noticed them and successfully grabbed the banknotes, prompting Oggy to another chase.

They ran down the handrail, through the hallway and into the kitchen. Joey jumps on the chair, knocking over the bottle on the table as Oggy brandishes his flyswatter and smacks the banknotes into the vending machine. Joey, not realizing that the "coins" are banknotes, was shocked when the banknotes didn't fit in the slot and Oggy smacked him.

After retrieving the banknotes, Oggy puts all of them to the Cow-y Bank. Joey was upset since he wanted a coin get the soda. Dee Dee and Marky then went to tell the mouse that he should give Joey money, or else they'll beat him up. The mouse told Dee Dee and Marky to request Joey to keep his tooth under his pillow.

The next day, Joey wakes up and was surprised that a coin appeared under the pillow and checks if it's real, but when he bites it, he loses his tooth. Realizing that the coin is real, he was very happy and goes out to get a can of soda, while Dee Dee and Marky watch him and wonder whatever is up with him at the end.


  • The episode's title is a pun on the phrase "Too good to be true".
  • Joey tried to put a banknote on the soda vending machine, although he probably didn't know that said vending machine supports coins and not banknotes.
  • Despite the description, nothing in the actual episode shows Oggy losing his tooth due to a booby trapped toothbrush. Instead, Oggy loses his teeth because the cockroaches (more specifically Dee Dee and Marky) catapulted a sewer cover at his face.
    • This may be an earlier plot thought up for this episode, but was changed at some point.
  • In the end of this episode, Dee Dee and Marky broke the fourth wall be just staring to the viewers to see what's up with Joey.
  • This is the first episode since “It’s A Small World” to not have any dark settings.
  • When Joey checks the coin to see if it was real, he bites the coin. Same thing when Olympic athletes biting their medals.




Other languages[]


Language Name Translation
Arabic الأسنان الثمينة The Precious Teeth
French Dent De Lait Milk tooth




Tooth Good to be True video

Tooth Good to be true by the official OGGY channel


Oggy and the Cockroaches - Tooth Exchange (s06e08) Full Episode in HD


  1. Oggy and the Cockroaches - TOOTH GOOD TO BE TRUE (S01E15) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on November 28, 2014, on YouTube. Accessed October 30, 2018.)