Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

The cockroaches lock Oggy up under the house’s floor and our hero discovers a whole new world. Thanks to a mini camera, Jack realizes that his cousin is held hostage by albino cockroaches, planning to eat him for dinner...

Official Synopsis, [1]

The World Underneath is the 18th episode of Season 3. The cockroaches trap Oggy underground, and pale bugs are gonna feast on him! When Jack learns of this, he makes the cockroaches go underground and save Oggy from those creatures. Will they?


Oggy was chasing the whole chicken with the cockroaches, but he accidentally tripped and fell underneath the house, so the cockroach crew trapped him. Meanwhile, Jack came into his house. He tried to look for Oggy. He called for Oggy on the toilet, and he heard Oggy's voice. He continues to search, until he drills a hole. Jack finally saw Oggy and got scared, so he took his book about robots until he found his robot of choice, so he called a person named Mr. Papita to buy the robot he was looking for.

Meanwhile, Oggy was exploring. He found a skeleton, then 3 shadows, which appear to be these pale bugs. Oggy was wondering who these shadows may be, until the albino cockroaches capture Oggy. The leader of the army, commenced his minions to take him to a certain location. Above the surface, Jack is testing his robot. He then made his robot go to the hole Oggy fell to. He was searching until he found the skeleton Oggy came across. He saw some footprints, leading to the albino cockroaches! We see Oggy with ropes and a green apple on his mouth. The leader of the pale bugs then puts salt on Oggy, then a member of the pale bug army lights a cauldron. With Jack quivering in fear, the cockroaches laugh.

Jack gets mad, but he had an idea: He commenced the cockroaches to rescue Oggy, but they refuse. He tries to give them cards, but they still refuse and reply that they'll never accept even if it is money. Joey then said to Jack that they'll only do this if Jack does a dance. Jack refuses, then the cockroaches gave Jack a note. It was a contract, but Jack putted an X on the autograph.

The cockroaches then went underground, and they searched for Oggy. They found the skeleton Oggy, Jack's robot, and Jack found. They laugh at the skeleton. The pale bugs just heard this, so the leader of the pale bugs commenced the cockroach trio to go to that place where Oggy was held captive. The leader of the pale bugs introduces the roach trio to the other pale bugs. The cockroaches went to the crowd. Joey went to Oggy, but Joey ate his apple instead. Joey whispers to him that he'll get him saved. The pale bugs clap not knowing Joey's idea, and the mini camera saw that. The pale bugs then made the cockroaches to sit on top of a hill, and the cockroach trio were given certain food: grapes for Joey, pickles for Marky, and a chicken wing for Dee Dee. Jack saw this, so he was grunting. Meanwhile, the pale bugs clap at them, and the leader of the pale bugs said that his minions will show him something. It was a picture that appears to be the cockroach trio and Oggy being cooked.

The pale bugs heard that, so a chase ensues. Oggy and the cockroach trio hided in a pole, and they were unseen by them. Meanwhile, they spot Jack's robot, so they follow it. Jack then grabs Oggy, and then he celebrated. The cockroaches tell him to do their contract, so he does it anyway.

Jack is dancing ballet, and the cockroaches laugh. Oggy eats his apple that came from the pale bugs.






Oggy and the Cockroaches - The World Underneath (S03E20) Full Episode in HD


Oggy and the Cockroaches - The World Underneath (s03e20) Full Episode in HD


  1. Oggy and the Cockroaches - The World Underneath (S3E20) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on Mar 5, 2015, on YouTube. Accessed Sep 9, 2019.)