Not to be confused with The Tiger Hunt.
The Witch Hunt is the 77th episode of Season 7. An irritable witch turned Oggy into mice and cockroaches into cats. The roles reverse: Oggy becomes a fugitive and discovers his house under a new dimension.... The Cockroaches! And the cockroaches are taking advantage of the situation...
Oggy is watching a horror movie on Halloween night, and he is afraid while watching it as he covers his face with the corner of his beanbag pillow. The scene zooms in on a steaming jack-o-lantern sitting in Oggy's fireplace, before it cuts to a shot of the cockroaches sitting inside the pumpkin and roasting bits of it over a candle. Oggy catches the smell of something cooking, and he tracks it to where the roaches are having their mini campfire in the now-partially-eaten pumpkin. Oggy grabs his fly swatter and attempts to squash the roaches, but they casually move out of the way and continue to eat the pumpkin before mocking Oggy and making their getaway. They run up the chimney, but Oggy is prepared as he pushes a box of fireworks into the chimney with a broom. He then lights the fireworks using one of the candles placed on the mantle, and they explode through the top of the chimney before flying in different directions across the sky. The roaches can be seen laying in the gutter watching everything unfold in awe.
Meanwhile, a witch can be seen flying across the moon on her broomstick, but one of the fireworks strikes her before she plummets toward the ground and crashes through the roof. The roaches go to investigate the hole on the roof, and the witch angrily stands up and raises her wand. The roaches begin begging the witch to not use any spells on them and proceed to tell her that Oggy was the one who caused the chaos. They point at Oggy who pokes his head out of the chimney before he prepares to attack the roaches with his flyswatter again, but notices the witch. She immediately casts a spell on Oggy and he disappears from view in a cloud of purple smoke, before she does the same to the roaches as they try to flee. Satisfied with her work, the witch flies away on her broomstick, unaware that the wand fell out of her pocket and back in the hole, which happens to lead to the attic.
Night turns into day, and the scene cuts to Oggy's living room and the camera moves down to reveal that Oggy had been turned into a mouse. Once he discovers this, he calls Jack who is at home in bed. He answers the call, and Oggy frantically tries to explain his situation but Jack doesn't seem to be listening as the scene cuts back to his groggy state. He checks the time and sees that it is currently 5:02 in the morning. Annoyed at this, Jack hangs up and goes back to sleep, leaving Oggy to deal with the situation alone.
The scene cuts back to Oggy sitting on the floor in shock, before the camera zooms out to reveal a portion of Dee Dee's body and a black cat tail waving around. The scene changes to reveal that Dee Dee had been turned into a cat, and he seems happy with this as he chases his new tail around. The camera pans over to the left, showing a cat version of Marky licking himself, and stops on a cat version of Joey admiring his new claws, which he uses to tear up a window curtain. The roach-cats do not seem to notice Oggy at first, and he takes this opportunity to make a run for it. Unfortunately, Dee Dee notices him as he runs around a corner, and he licks his chops as he remembers that a mouse is usually a cat's favorite food. He calls Marky and Joey over and together all three of them peer around the corner to watch Oggy make his getaway. Almost immediately, Joey takes off in pursuit of mouse Oggy before Marky and Dee Dee follow suite, and the scene changes to Oggy running down the hallway as the shadows of the roach-cats appear on the wall, and they roar to scare Oggy even more. They laugh as the scene changes to a shot of them running to catch Oggy, and Oggy picks up the pace before he makes a sharp turn and leans up against a wall in front of an air vent. Joey notices him and tries to catch him but is immediately knocked over by Dee Dee and Marky before all three of them trip and stumble over one another and crash into something. The scene cuts to the trio stuck in one of the drawers of a piece of furniture, and once they manage to pull themselves free, yarn balls fall out of the drawer which catch Dee Dee and Marky's interests. The two of them start playing with the yarn balls (much to Joey's frustration, as he shouts in anger), and the scene cuts back to Oggy staring at them before he screams and ducks into the vent. Joey sticks his arm through one of the slots of the grate and feels around for a moment, before calling Marky and Dee Dee over. The scene cuts to the two of them tangled in different yarn, before Dee Dee gets up and drags Marky with him over to the vent. The scene cuts to Oggy hiding in the wall's interior, before he retreats just as Joey's hand reaches to grab him once more. He continues searching for Oggy by feeling around the area, but his search is immediately cut short when something snaps down on his hand. Joey screams in pain and quickly retracts his hand, showing it had been caught in a mouse trap. He angrily pulls the trap off his fingers before ordering Dee Dee and Marky to run the other direction before he giggles evilly at the vent, indicating he has come up with another evil scheme.
The scene cuts to a shot of Oggy's mouse shadow disappearing down a corridor, before it changes to him walking through a mouse hole leading to the roaches' hideout. He is disgusted by the mess and the smells, and grows annoyed when he finds a picture of himself with a dart in it. He takes the picture and sadly stares at it, before growing angry and deciding to do something about his current predicament.
The scene changes to Joey holding a hose with a camera attached to it, before pressing a button which makes a video appear on his laptop screen. Then the doorbell rings, and it is Jack, who's wanting to ask Oggy if he wants to go fishing. The door opens and Jack becomes confused, as Dee Dee is the one who answers the door. Dee Dee blows a raspberry at Jack before he slams the door in his face. Jack doesn't know what to do next so he starts to leave, but immediately comes back when he realizes that something definitely isn't right.
The scene cuts back to Marky, Dee Dee, and Joey setting up their trap to lure Oggy out of the vent, and Dee Dee shoves the hose through the wall grate, Marky plugs the hose into the wall, and Joey is at the computer. The scene cuts to a closeup of the computer screen, and Joey laughs as it displays the area where Oggy is taking refuge in. The scene cuts again to Oggy hiding behind a corner, wearing a walnut helmet and a spindle of thread on his back. As the hose passes by him, he uses a paper clip that he tied to the thread and lassos the hose camera before pulling it towards him.
Back in the living room, the computer shows the camera panning over to the right before it stops on a drawing of Oggy, partially concealed inside a dark hole. Joey thinks that it's the real Oggy, and he informs Marky and Dee Dee that he found their target. However, the scene cuts back to Oggy placing the camera on top a piece of cheese before he grabs the hose and takes it through a pipe which leads to another grate on the opposite side of the room. Once he pushes the hose through the slots, the scene cuts to Joey and Dee Dee staring into the vent before Joey signals Marky to turn on the water. They all laugh as they wait for Oggy to get flushed out of the vent, but are taken by surprise when the water hits Dee Dee and Joey instead. The scene cuts to Oggy sitting on top of the hose and casually waving at his enemies, and a moment later the water turns off as the scene changes back to the roach-cat-trio. Marky had been hit on the head with the hose roll while Dee Dee and Joey were plastered against the wall, Joey giving Oggy a harsh glare as he finally managed to turn the water off. The scene cuts back to Oggy before a tapping on the window catches his attention. He jumps up when he sees it is Jack. Oggy runs to the window and barely manages to get Jack's attention before the blinds close in their faces. The camera zooms out to reveal that Joey had closed the blinds, and he grins at Oggy before he pulls out the same flyswatter that had been used against him so many times before. Joey goes to attack Oggy with it, but Oggy is one step ahead as he manages to pull his walnut helmet back on his head. As a result, the flyswatter bounces off Oggy's head and it smacks Joey in the face, knocking him to the floor. He angrily pulls the flyswatter off his face.
The scene cuts to outside of the house as Jack frantically tries to think of a way to save Oggy. He looks over to the next-door neighbor's yard and gets an idea before he runs over there and grabs a ladder propped against a tree. However, it is revealed that the ladder belongs to Bob, who is shown to be picking apples from the tree before he falls to the ground after Jack pulls the ladder out from under him. Needless to say he isn't happy about this.
Jack places the ladder against the house next to the hole where the witch had crashed into the roof at the beginning of the episode, before he climbs up and peers in the hole. However, he leans too far forward and falls through the hole, but immediately gets back up with the witch's abandoned wand in hand. Curious, Jack casts a spell on his hand which turns it into a bouquet of flowers, much to his dismay. He quickly turns his hand back to normal and sighs in relief.
Back inside the house, Oggy is running through the kitchen as Joey chases after him with the flyswatter, sweating and really out of breath. However, he stops when he realizes that he is the only one pursuing Oggy, and he turns to find Marky and Dee Dee greedily raiding the fridge, much to his annoyance. He yells at his brothers to help him catch Oggy, before he grabs them and drags them into the chase. The scene cuts to Jack on the roof as he tries to squeeze himself through the chimney, before it cuts back to Oggy running into the fireplace and finding himself cornered. He anxiously watches as dust falls onto the floor in front of him, but immediately focuses his attention to the top of the chimney as the scene changes to Jack sliding down and using his claws to slow his fall down. The scene cuts to Oggy again, as he stares at the three roach-cats who had managed to trap him inside the fireplace, laughing maniacally. Joey lunges at Oggy, but he manages to dodge the attack as he runs out of the fireplace, causing Joey to faceplant into the wall. Jack falls into the fireplace as Marky and Dee Dee had also lunged themselves after Joey, and Jack falls on all three of them, causing black smoke to cover a part of the room. The wand flies out of Jack's grip and lands next to Oggy as he sneezes the smoke away, and he excitedly grabs it. The scene cuts to the roach-cats and Jack all lying on the floor in front of the fireplace, and the trio all cough before getting up, angrily hissing at Jack, and attacking him. The camera zooms out to show Oggy pointing the wand at the fight, before firing a spell and filling the whole screen with purple magic.
Once the smoke clears, the fight ceases as Joey sits up and is shocked to find that his nose had been transformed into an elephant trunk. He angrily uses it to vacuum the wand out of Oggy's hands before he fires a spell at Jack, turning him into a turtle and unintentionally turning Dee Dee into a frog. Before Joey can do any more damage, he yelps in pain as Oggy bites his tail. He accidentally turns Oggy into a large dinosaur-cat kaiju that causes him to break through the roof and take the house off the ground, and he roars while breathing fire.
Just then, the witch comes back (since she seems to have realized she left her wand behind) and grabs her wand from Joey (since he and the rest of the group fell outside after Oggy tore the house out of the ground) before she stabs Oggy's large nose with the end of her broom. Oggy yells out in pain as he breathes more fire, before she turns him back into a mouse which allows the house to go back to its original place. She then leaves, probably never to be seen again.
The scene cuts to Jack lying on the driveway as he glares at the roaches laughing, before the camera pans over to reveal that the trio have been turned back into cockroaches. As Dee Dee and Marky celebrate, Joey looks over and laughs, and the camera pans over to Oggy who has been turned back into a mouse. He sadly begins to trudge away, only for Jack to pick him up as he tries to think of a solution. He looks out onto the street and sees Olivia walking by, and he gets an idea. The scene cuts to Jack stopping Olivia in her path and he gives her a bouquet of flowers. She happily takes them and Jack asks for a kiss on the cheek to which Olivia accepts. As she starts to lean in, Jack lifts the tiny Oggy and places him directly in front of Olivia's mouth, causing her to kiss him instead. When Olivia realizes she kissed a mouse, she screams loudly and faints away. However, Oggy started to grow in Jack's hands instantly after, and in a puff of smoke, he is turned back into his old self. Oggy chants gleefully at this, but since he is back to his original size, Jack can no longer hold him up and together they fall to the ground. Oggy immediately gets back up with both arms around Jack and Olivia, giving them hugs and happy that this whole fiasco is over.
- Miss Cleo from the Space Goofs episode, "Which Witch is Which?", appeared instead of the witch that appeared in the third and fourth season.
- Oggy's ear in mouse form is identically similar to Mickey Mouse franchise.
- Excluding the remakes, this could be the last episode from the original art style, as Season 8 has a different art style.
Oggy and the Cockroaches - The Witch Hunt (s07e77) Full Episode in HD
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