Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

A termite comes to visit his cousins, the cockroaches. They take him for a walk in the house and urge him to eat the cupboards and the fridge. Oggy, who cannot see the little insect, is lost: his furniture keeps disappearing right under his nose!

Official Synopsis, [1]

Termite-ator is the 20th episode of Season 3.


A termite arrived at the door, trying to spot the cockroaches' door, he then sees the door for the cockroaches. We see the cockroaches waiting for the termite to come, and they hear the doorbell. Joey then explains to the termite through a phone guiding him how to come without revealing him to Oggy who he was, then was busy locking up the food drawers and so on. When the termite came, Joey says the situation that goes as usual in the home. On hearing it, the termite uses his metal teeth to eat the table box, shoes box, thread, bed's lid and spoon then the cockroaches are laughing. Joey wants the termite to do the job but termite needs money to do this job, Joey smash the piggy bank and tears the money in half and gives the termite with the rest. Joey points at the locked cabinet and wants the termite to break 3 locks, and termite starts doing it. Oggy is washing dishes when the termite starts eating the lock, then all three cockroaches are delighted, Dee Dee wants to eat canned fish but broke a tooth, the termite eat metal head to let Dee Dee eat, Joey want termite to eat the metal shell to let Joey eat some canned beans, the termite eat all the metal shell and let the three cockroaches eat them all. When Oggy searches for food, the three cockroaches ate them all, Oggy tries swatting them, but the termite makes a makeshift door to let the three cockroaches run, Oggy closes the cabinet from moving but they banged the cabinet into Oggy's face, the three cockroaches runs into the Fridge to hide but Oggy opens it, then the termite eats the fridge, next, eating Oggy's flyswatter as well. Oggy throws the chair, table, noodle pot into cockroaches, but failed by the termite eating the stuff. He took the lid of the desk and throws into the cockroaches when the termite eats it, but the rest don't and finally prevent the cockroaches from escaping when Oggy prepares to attack them, but Joey calls the termite to eat the circle place to make Oggy fall down the pipe and into the toilet.

Meanwhile, the cockroaches are eating food, Oggy looks and tries vacuuming the cockroaches, but the termite is out and eats his ladder then makes him fall down. Oggy is holding a gun blunderbuss, but the termite eats Oggy's seat and then tries homing into Oggy to eat all of his furniture, Oggy brings all of his furniture into the warehouse, but the termite powers off the lights and eats all of his furniture, making Oggy panic, the door was locked, but the termite ate the door and ate the floor as well when Jack opened. Oggy hugs Jack, and cries because the house was ravaged, but Jack has a camera.

Joey thanks the termite and pay the rest. Termite opens the briefcase and take out the sofa to rest, but Joey tells the termite to stop knitting. Joey kicks the wool roll and tell the termite to get up, then the termite eats Joey. Termite ends up removing his metal teeth, and continues knitting. Jack replays the scene where Oggy vacuums the cockroaches, but the termite eats his ladder, and pauses to zoom in to see the termite, Jack tells Oggy that the termite is small and is eating everything, but Jack found something like a Magnet with a wood smell to lure the termite into the fireplace to affect the termite. Meanwhile, termite is sleeping, Joey is holding a bug spray to spary the termite, but termite found smell and eat the Cockroaches' place, came out and see that smell, but the magnet attracts his metal teeth, Oggy and Jack detects the termite then Oggy stomped on the termite, and Jack throws the termite into Bob, and Bob gets itchy, and Oggy throws the metal teeth into trash, but Dee Dee is now using the metal teeth to eat trash and breaks all of the houses. Oggy and Jack think there's still termites.


  • On the title card, it's a reference to The Terminator.
  • The termite being a cousin of the cockroaches actually makes sense, as both cockroaches and termites are in the same order of insects, Blattodea.






Oggy and the Cockroaches - Termite-ator (S03E21) Full Episode in HD


Oggy and the Cockroaches - Termite-ator (s03e21) Full Episode in HD


  1. Oggy and the Cockroaches - Termite-ator (S3E21) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on Mar 10, 2015, on YouTube. Accessed Sep 9, 2019.)