Oggy is getting mighty bored living all alone. He suddenly has an idea: he hits up an apartment sharing web site and posts a message. There are lots of future roommates. But they all leave just as quickly as they show up! Thank-you who?...
Official Synopsis, [1]
Roommate Wanted is the 35th episode of Season 4.
Oggy was watching TV, but there were only three channels on TV. He was bored and kept the remote and went to play checkers. But, no one was there to play with him so he played alone. He got bored with that too and went to play table tennis, all alone. When eating, he kept a mirror on a chair to think that someone is there to eat with him and ate the spaghetti happily. Watching this, the cockroaches thought he was insane. After that, Oggy was vacuuming the floor and noticed a room that was vacant and dirty. Lo! Oggy got an idea! He went to his desktop and kept the vacuum and searched for roommates on the internet and as fast as he can, cleaned all the rooms and renovated his house, and kept the vacant room cool and classy. Seeing this, Joey told the other roaches that if Oggy's roommate will come, then they will be double and we will get double swatting from them and decided to stop this. After the cleaning, Oggy printed the list of names of roommates, and came to the first roommate! His name according to the list is Bernard Duvier and Oggy welcomed him and showed him his house. He said about his sofa, some portraits, lights, working tools, doors, rooftops, garden, TV, fridge, chimney, tub, toilet, and the visitor said him to show him the bedroom. Oggy showed him the new and spacious room. The visitor was happy and was going to sign the contract but he became suspicious inside the blanket and when he saw inside it, the cockroaches were roaming. He screamed and went out of the house. Oggy was disappointed but there comes the other roommate. Her name according to the list is Justine Delarue. Oggy was shy and welcomed her to the house. He showed her the same things like a sofa, fridge, chair, etc. While showing this Oggy was shy and when he showed her the toilet, the roaches were swimming inside and the latter screamed and went out of the house. Oggy was angry and he swatted the cockroaches and they went to their house. He was disappointed and there comes another visitor. Oggy pushed him to his house and ran fast upon the stairs. But the cockroaches came sliding down the reels and they showed them their points which shocked the visitor and ran away. Next was an old lady and the lady too, was shocked by seeing the cockroaches inside the picture, a man came to be his roommate but he too, saw the cockroaches in the toolset, a young lady came and saw them in the shower, a cook came and when he saw the fridge, he saw the cockroaches eating and banged Oggy with his hand, next came a man and when he saw the bulb, there were roaches inside the bulb. A bunch of visitors, who came to see the house and be the roommate of Oggy, ran away in a rush and the roaches were laughing and Oggy swatted them and was disappointed and went. At their house, Joey thought of a plan to go to Oggy's house as visitors in disguise. Oggy, surrounded by the books, checkerboard, and more things, heard the ringing of the bell, checked the list, and went to open the door. There he saw a Japanese man, which were the cockroaches themselves. Oggy greeted them and Joey took the contract and signed it. Oggy was happy and the roaches were struggling to be in position and went to the room. Oggy was wondering about the three hands in the contract and went to eat something but the fridge was empty and saw the cockroaches. They were burping but it was strange for Oggy to listen to burping sounds inside his tummy, which were the cockroaches. The man greeted Oggy in return greeted. Then he went to the bath, but he found lots of hair like something in the drainer. He washed it and saw the man, but he was brushing and spitting but he found spitting inside his tummy and again greeted Oggy. He was bored by the very dirty man. He decided to play checkers with the guy but the cockroaches don't know to play it and ate the pieces of the checkers. Oggy was playing table tennis but the cockroaches didn't know either that game and hit him balls. Oggy was very angry about it and saw the walls been painted and dirty. He decided to peep inside the door of the cockroaches' room and saw the real colors of the man. Oggy decided to teach them a lesson by blowing balloons looking like food and kept them in the fridge. The next morning, the cockroaches saw the opened fridge full of food made of balloons. They went and were trying to eat the food, but can't as they were balloons. Oggy shut them in a wooden box and sent them to South America, in Machu Pichu, and went home. After some time, Jack came and said Oggy to join the game. But Oggy slammed the door in anger and Jack went slammed. At last, Oggy thinks that To be alone is the best and reads a book.
- When Oggy opens the blanket, due to cockroaches in the blanket before the first man sign it, Dee Dee's nose disappears.
- In the paper list of the second visitor, Justine Delarue, Justine's dress color in the paper is light blue, but it was dark purple color.
Oggy and the Cockroaches - Roommate wanted! (S04E35) Full Episode in HD
- ↑ Oggy and the Cockroaches - Roommate Wanted! (S4E35) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on Sep 27, 2016, on YouTube. Accessed Oct 31, 2019.)