Roach Vision is the 28th episode of Season 7. Tired of hunting down the cockroaches, Oggy orders special glasses that felt exactly where they are! With these he can sabotage their plans.
Episode starts: Oggy surprises Olivia with a tea party. Already, the always-hungry cockroaches steal the food in the tea party. Oggy is making it fancy. Oggy is trying to give the cake piece to Olivia, but it jumps. Oggy gulps, making him eat what Olivia is gonna eat. Under the table is the cockroaches laughing! Oggy didn't see it. Oggy trys to give the croissant to Olivia (similarly to what they did in Olivia's Pimple), but he sees the croissant moving. Olivia trys to eat it, but Dee Dee eats the full. He thinks that never happened and nervously kisses multiple times to Olivia. Marky drinks the entire orange juice, which he spits to Oggy. He tries to hit them with the flyswatter, but Olivia coughs that she didn't get tea. Joey tickles Oggy, and the tea is in the bag rather in the cup. Olivia, starting to get angry, takes the muffin by force, and eats them in one bite. Oggy also drinks tea, but Dee Dee and Marky adds pfeffer and salt to his tea, and Joey steals the cake from the tea party. Oggy spits tea, because it was too disgusting. Olivia, now angry, leaves Oggy's house, which makes Oggy sad, and the cockroaches laugh.
Oggy, now sad, watches TV, and founds something in the commercial: vision glasses! It costs 99,999ā¬, but Oggy has enough money in the piggy bank under the pillow, which the coins put on is going in the TV, which the man puts the package out of the TV, and Oggy has the vision glasses! Oggy is too excited, he throws how to install it away. Oggy puts on the vision glasses for the first time. It first sees Bob, Jack, but then the cockroaches appear in screen. The glasses automatically search for the cockroaches, which he throws the trophy, but Oggy catches it, anime-style. He trys to hit them with the flyswatter, but the cockroaches run away. Oggy removes the glasses, pats it, and puts it on. He founds the cockroaches, thanks to the new vision glasses. The cockroaches hides from the attic. Joey has a idea: he puts money in the mouse trap, so that Oggy can be hit. Oggy is here, which the cockroaches hide, but the vision glasses say "WARNING! MONEY IN MOUSE TRAPS MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO BODY". Oggy chuckles and finds the cockroaches. The cockroaches are found, which he swats the mouse trap, and hits the cockroaches.
Joey, now hurt and angry, looks at Oggy, who is watching TV, specifically a channe for glasses, as he got glasses now. Joey realized that Oggy is busy watching TV, which the cockroaches make the way to the fridge, but instead of the food being here, Oggy is in the fridge by surprise (like in Oggy's Double). Oggy said "No food for you, cockroaches!", the cockroaches beg, but instead the cockroaches get hit by a flyswatter.
Joey is now had headaches (with a cooler on top of his head). Oggy watches a horror movie, but goes to the toilet. Joey sees that Oggy goes to the fridge, so Joey whistles the cockroaches so he can put a cactus under the seating pillow. The cockroaches hide in the TV and laughs. The cockroaches see Oggy reading a newspaper, but when he's about to sit, the glasses said "WARNING! CACTUSES UNDER SEATING PILLOWS MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO BODY". He removes the cactus under the seating pillow, and sees the cockroaches in the TV. Oggy turns on a channel of the Safari, with the cockroaches in it. The cockroaches wake the lion, making the lion and chase the cockroaches. Oggy changes channels with cockroaches more hurt.
Oggy, still sad after he made Olivia angry, makes a tea party with a picture of her. He is so sad, but now he got the vision glasses, not only he can see stuff from far away, but he can make deliveries by other people, like Olivia. He purchased flowers for Olivia. Olivia, seeing some flowers, but also seeing a tea party invitation, which he laughed and accepted. The cockroaches are packing some stuff to move house, thanks to Oggy with the vision glasses. But Joey discovered the poster of the vision glasses: he can make his own vision glasses for Oggy, just to ruin Olivia again! The cockroaches accept this mission. He waited, but then goes to the door, which Olivia is there. The cockroaches try to remove the vision glasses from Oggy, but Oggy doesen't let him, as the vision is too powerful. Olivia sees something, thinking it is a horror character with red evil eyes, making her scream. Oggy is revealed and trys to come to the tea party. The cockroaches, dressed fancy, making the tea party fancy. Oggy is scared that the cockroaches is doing stuff again, so he said to go away. He sees a picture, which means that sometime Oggy and Olivia will go in a cruise, and he can't see with the vision glasses, because it was too glitchy too tell. He takes off his vision glasses, which he then said "yes!". The cockroaches switch the vision glasses to the fake glasses, with drawings like that he's ruining Olivia, like a wheel glasses. The cockroaches make a spoon seesaw with ice tea so that he can hit him, like a trap for Oggy, which makes him mad, puts on the fake glasses. He believed it that it is the real glasses, so Oggy, missing hits with the flyswatter, makes Olivia angry again, with ice tea on top. Oggy looks again, and thinking that the cockroaches are hurting Olivia, which the cockroaches push Olivia with the chair more. Oggy is ruining the tea party more and more, as he thinks that the cockroaches are on the glasses. Olivia now angry leaves Oggy's house again with the cockroaches, and decide to go on the cruise. Oggy presses the button everytime, thinking it's a loop, but actually it's a cardboard wheel that the cockroaches made and drew on.
Olivia and the cockroaches go on a cruise, and the cockroaches puts on the vision glasses, which he sees Oggy paddling to the cruise, trying to forgive Olivia with the flowers, and the cockroaches laugh. The episode ends there.
- The scene where the lion beats up cockroaches was looked like in A Dog Day Afternoon/Cute Little Puppy.
Oggy and the Cockroaches - Roach Vision (s07e28) Full Episode in HD
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