Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

Oggymon Go is the 31st episode of Season 7. Jack and Olivia introduce Oggy to their new obsession: hunting down virtual vegetables on their smartphones and winning lots of points. The cockroaches hack into the elf hunt game site.


Oggy can be seen sitting down and eating carrots for a snack while watching TV, when a commercial for a new mobile game called "Veggimon" appears. Oggy seems to really enjoy the commercial, and out of the blue the cockroaches show up with the vacuum cleaner and suck up Oggy's carrots, even taking Oggy himself with them. The camera pans over to roaches laughing at their victory, before they grab the vacuum bag full of carrots and make a run for it. Oggy manages to crawl out of the vacuum cleaner and angrily chases the roaches with his fly swatter in hand, and we can see that his body has been shaped into loops due to being stuck inside of the vacuum cleaner's tube.

Just as the cockroaches are about to make their escape, Jack opens the front door and blocks their path, and he points his cell phone in their direction. The cockroaches and Oggy both stop, wondering what Jack will do, but what they don't see is that Jack is actually playing the new Veggimon game, and he is currently trying to track down a vegetable creature. To his delight, he notices a tomato veggimon waving at him from around the corner before running away. Jack goes after it, crushing the cockroaches and their carrot load under his foot in the process.

Jack looks around the room where he saw the tomato escape to, pointing his phone in different directions as Oggy watches him in confusion. To expand his search, Jack started climbing up the chimney. Oggy followed him and watched his cousin making his way up, but Jack falls down and lands on Oggy, covering the both of them in black powder in the process. Jack is unfazed however, and he continues to track the veggimon down, hiding under the rug. Eventually, he spots it hiding behind a potted plant on a shelf on the wall. Jack is about to capture it, when Oggy pulls the rug off of Jack and scolds him for the mess he made, to which Jack rolls his eyes.

The doorbell ringing caught Oggy and Jack's attention, and we can see that it is Olivia, who is also trying to track down a tomato veggimon. She watches as it begins to escape, and Olivia frantically rings the doorbell even more for fear of losing track of it. Oggy finally opens the door and greets Olivia, but she quickly pushes past him so she can continue her veggimon hunt. The cockroaches, who are now sitting inside of the vacuum bag full of crushed carrot juice, laugh at Oggy's expense before he grows angry and crushes a portion of the makeshift bathtub with his fist, drenching the roaches in carrot juice.

In the other room Jack and Olivia continue their virtual hunt, and they seem to spot the tomato veggimon at the same time. They both run toward it, but Olivia manages to catch it first. She celebrates and Jack grows disappointed as he really wanted that veggimon in order to get the points. He sticks his tongue out at Olivia before walking away, and Oggy walks up to her before questioning what was going on. She tells him about the game and Oggy, who grows excited about hearing the details, asks Olivia to install the game on his phone for him, which she does. Upon downloading and opening the app, a banana veggimon appears on screen, meaning it's time to start collecting the next target. Jack, who was previously sulking in an armchair, grows excited before hopping through the window to begin his search.jack Oggy and Olivia follow after him (through the door,) and once again they both cover the roaches in carrot juice as they try to recover what is left of their catched.

Outside, Oggy only pays attention to his phone screen and runs into the hedge lining his front yard, but he spots the banana very close to where he is. He searches for it while staying hidden in the bushes, and he soon spots it walking along the sidewalk right in front of him. He is about to capture it, when he sees Jack running toward it. Frantic, Oggy jumps out of the bushes to capture the veggimon, but Olivia manages to suddenly appear from above and catches it, leaving Oggy and Jack to run smack into one another. Once they recover, they both growl in anger as they watch Olivia make her getaway, and the camera shows that she had tied herself to a large drone.

Shortly after, Oggy is walking around his front lawn looking for another veggimon. He points his cellphone at his house, and spots a carrot veggimon running and jumping through a window into his house. Oggy tries to do the same, but he forgets to open the window and instead faceplants into the glass. He sees that the veggimon is escaping further into the house, and he soon tracks it to the kitchen area. He eventually hides behind the fridge before slowly opening it to see if the veggimon hid in there, but all he sees are the cockroaches feasting on the food. Angered, he grabs the roaches and throws them against the wall, and they become covered in sauce as Oggy had also thrown the slices of bread they had been eating and/or lying on top of (Joey). Oggy looks up and down the entire refrigerator, to no avail, but he eventually manages to track the veggimon inside the air vents.

The camera cuts to Oggy squeezing himself through the tight space of the air vent, and he points his phone to help him figure out which way the veggimon is escaping. Oggy can see it running toward the roaches' bedroom, and the camera cuts to them taking a nap when a blue light shines on them. Inside the blue light, the carrot veggimon runs underneath the newspaper blanket, and Joey wakes up due to the light in his face. He seems to notice the carrot veggimon leave the bed, before he becomes shocked at seeing Oggy crawling through their space, and yells. Oggy pays them no attention as he squashes the trio and their bed, only focusing on catching the carrot.

The camera cuts to Jack chasing another veggimon down the hallway, and the camera pans to the air vent getting pushed open by Joey. He, Marky, and Dee Dee run out of the vent with a fishing rod in their hands, but Olivia runs toward them at the same time, obviously not paying attention to her surroundings. The roaches all jump in different directions to avoid getting crushed once again, and Olivia breaks the fishing rod as she continues her run down the hallway. Completely fed up with Oggy, Jack, and Olivia's nonsense, the cockroaches throw a huge tantrum while Joey jumps on the broken remains of the fishing pole and Marky even begins to cry in frustration.

As Jack and Olivia compete with one another to catch their target, the camera pans over to a goldfish inside a fishbowl. Suddenly, Joey grabs it by the tail and we can see the cockroaches preparing to eat it alive and still under the water, since they are all wearing snorkeling gear. Fortunately for the fish, the carrot veggimon happens to run by the fishbowl and Oggy is seen standing next to it, but he notices the roaches planning to eat the fish. He grabs them out of the water, and Joey lets the goldfish free in hopes that Oggy will spare him and his brothers, but Oggy throws them toward the wall. Marky and Joey hit a dart board by their noses and Dee Dee crashes into the wall. That was when they hatched a plan to get back at Oggy.

In the next scene, a bandaged Dee Dee is spying on the three cats running around outside and grins when he catches sight of Oggy. The scene cuts to Marky working on some sort of strange contraption and Joey is at the computer, apparently doing some hacking. On the screen, it shows their plan to use the gun machine they made to pull Oggy into the Veggimon game, and the roaches put on special goggles to prepare for their attack. They hop on top of the machine and Marky turns it on, before waiting for Joey's signal to fire. The front door opens, revealing Oggy, and Marky pulls the lever, effectively hitting Oggy before he shrinks and gets pulled into the machine.

The scene cuts to Oggy floating around along with some colored particles, until the background changes to a view of the cockroaches staring right at Oggy. The scene cuts to Joey's point of view, where he codes Oggy to become an official part of the game and sets him to be the rarest and most valued veggimon in the game. Oggy is stuck inside of a box as this happens, and once he sees what is going on he breaks out of the box and escapes out of the cellphone, which Joey had picked up. They might not be able to see Oggy anymore but they are able to track him using the game, and the hunt begins as Joey runs after Oggy with the phone in hand, Marky and Dee Dee following and demanding that they work together on this. Meanwhile, Jack and Olivia get the memo of the new and valuable "Oggymon," and they too go and try to find it.

Back inside the house, Joey continues to run around with the cellphone, trying to find Oggy, with Marky and Dee Dee right behind him. The camera pans over to an armchair (the same one from earlier) and cuts to Oggy hiding behind one of the chair legs and trying to catch his breath. He stays like that for a few moments, before sighing in relief and peering out into the open. However, a second later a lightning bolt zaps Oggy on the butt. He runs away, and the camera pans over to Joey holding the cellphone over his head as he had managed to find Oggy and is trying to capture him. Marky and Dee Dee catch up to Joey and demand that they have the phone, and Joey finally gives in and gives it to them with a sigh.

The roaches continue to chase Oggy down, continuously attempting to zap him into the phone, and at one point they manage to split Oggy in half but he manages to pull himself together quite literally and continues to evade their attacks. Oggy quickly turns a corner and manages to take refuge inside a flower pot just as Jack and Olivia run upstairs next to it. Oggy quickly decides to abandon his hiding spot, but immediately regrets it when he sees that he has been discovered. He tries to run the other direction, but he realizes that he is cornered as the camera pans out to show that Jack, Olivia, and the cockroaches are surrounding him. All of them aim their phones at Oggy at once, but once again Olivia managed to catch her target. The cockroaches angrily rant at her (while Marky cries in frustration again) and Jack bites his phone, finally fed up with losing all the time. Olivia, uncaring of their reactions, places her phone on the table and walks away, Jack and the roaches doing the same. It seems like this is it for Oggy

The scene cuts to Oggy sitting in what looks to be the interior of Olivia's cellphone, and he looks behind him to see the other veggimons Olivia had captured, all sulking in defeat. Oggy tries to get their attention so they could figure out an escape plan, but the carrot veggimon points up to an exit, much too high for any of them to reach, meaning that escape was hopeless. However, Oggy is not willing to give up so easily, and he manages to come up with a plan and eagerly shares it with the other veggimons, who seem intrigued. They might as well try anything at this point.

The scene cuts to a close-up of Olivia's phone, and it vibrates before Oggy pokes his head out of the screen. He looks around before stumbling, indicating that the veggimons had created some sort of tower to lift Oggy out of the phone screen. Oggy grabs the edge of the phone and manages to pull himself free, but he sees Olivia and Jack staring at him in awe, and even the roaches appear from behind Jack's head to see what's going on. Frightened, Oggy reaches back into the phone screen and pulls the veggimons out with him, each one grabbing onto the other's arm, forming a chain that Oggy drags behind him as he escapes to the floor. The scene cuts to the veggimons running through the front door, and Olivia follows them in a desperate attempt to get them back. The scene cuts to Oggy and the carrot veggimon fleeing as the cockroaches chase them and try to capture them once more. The duo manages to make it to the machine that turned Oggy into a game character in the first place, and he quickly climbs inside as the carrot pulls the lever to turn Oggy back to normal. The mission was a success, and the cockroaches flee when they see Oggy has returned to the real world, leaving the cell phone behind. Oggy and the carrot veggimon share one last goodbye and it escapes outside, catching up to its friends.

The scene transitions to a garbage can, and Oggy and Jack throw their cellphones in it, indicating they are done with their video game obsession at least for now. The scene cuts to the two of them prepping to play bocce ball, but the cockroaches, who are tied to one another, are being used to replace the little ball in the middle. They are trembling and dreading being used as game pieces. Oggy throws his steel ball toward the roaches, crushing them in the process, and a close up of Oggy's ball as the roaches groan after getting flattened.





Oggy and the Cockroaches - Oggymon Go (s07e31) Full Episode in HD


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