Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

Oggy and the Not So Smart Bracelet is the 16th episode of Season 7. Olivia buys a "smart bracelet" which as far as Oggy is concerned, is becoming a little too much part of her life! Oggy looks for a way to get rid of it while Marky goes bug-eyed with wonder over the thing.


Oggy was way too busy watching TV until the doorbell rings. When he opens the door, he finds his best friend Olivia, who shows her smartwatch, showing the actions like dancing, running, etc. Marky sees it and wishes he would dance with it, even though Joey and Dee Dee didn't want him to do that. Oggy grinned and took her to his kitchen to have some popcorn, but the watch rings up, asking Olivia to eat fruits. Olivia gave up eating the popcorn, and started making some pineapple juice. Marky came to steal the watch, but Olivia smashes a big pineapple on Marky and kicks him out. Marky became saddened and plans the second attempt.

Meanwhile, Oggy and Olivia are playing bocce, Joey thinks of a way, Oggy throwing to going measure, then Marky came to steal the watch, but Olivia throws Marky up on earth and the bocce ball falls into Bob's head, he snap Marky into the bocce bag when Dee Dee and Joey are laughing, Oggy tells Olivia to continue playing the bocce ball, but Oggy thinks Olivia is sitting in meditation, Bob blames it on Oggy when Oggy throws head onto Bob, then gets Oggy's nose to replace the bocce ball and beat Oggy. Marky bites the bracelet, but he has broken teeth. Dee Dee failed to think, but Joey finds another way.

In Oggy's house, Oggy and Olivia watch movies, but Olivia changes the channel oyster and causes Oggy to be unhappy, then breaker 3D glasses, Marky using crowbar to steal the smart watch, but Olivia crossed arms and pressed Marky, Dee Dee drags Marky, then Marky leaves Joey to think of another way.

After that, Oggy invites Olivia to a picnic, but Olivia prepares to skydive, and a helicopter appears then drops the rope ladder giving a helmet, Bob is laughing when grilled chicken hit and Oggy also got pushed back, Olivia opens the parachute. Jack cheers Oggy up, he thinks of using application smart watch control, Jack's example was Olivia jumping from the rope, and Jack controls Olivia to sleep. Oggy uses hypnosis and accepted it. Olivia is sleeping in the Garden, Oggy gives Olivia some juice, but Olivia rides away, and Oggy controls Olivia back to the way she was, next, Oggy and Olivia were sleeping in a shady spot, Olivia cuts the grass, but Oggy controls her back to the way she was, then Olivia goes to work at the construction site, but Oggy control back to the way she was, Marky tries using pliers, but got hit by a truck, and Joey thinks of a way to get the smart watch.

Oggy is sleeping, Joey and Dee Dee brings the phone to Olivia, but she used the flyswatter, Joey explains the app smart watch to control, Joey goes to settings then choose the actions random and causes Olivia to get very angry. Oggy is brushing his teeth, but Olivia told him to open the door, Oggy sees Olivia being angered and using app smart watch to control, but Oggy has not found the phone but Olivia is holding it and use action road roller to hit it, Olivia throws the smart watch away, Dee Dee and Joey succeeded, Marky finally gets the watch, but Oggy swatted Marky, and Marky wants the smart watch, so Oggy gave it to Marky, Marky is dancing, but Joey tells him to go somewhere else to dance, Oggy commands Marky to attack both Dee Dee and Joey, then Oggy is happy, and kisses the phone to relax.




Oggy and the Cockroaches 🌐 SMART WATCH (S07E75) New Episodes in HD

End at 6:47


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