"Oggy and the Cockroaches: The Movie (soundtrack)" was an album released on August 5, 2013, produced by Vincent Artaud. It was labelled by Sony Music Entertainment.
- Générique (Opening)
- La Vie au Village (Village Life)
- Poursuite Néolithique (Neolithic Pursuit)
- Voyage de Cro-Magnon (Cro-Magnon Voyage)
- Le Voyage de Jack (Jack's Journey)
- Les Pirhanas (Piranhas)
- Les Méchants Chiens (The Vicious Dogs)
- Oggy et Olivia (Oggy and Olivia)
- Oggy Passe à l'Action (Oggy Takes Action)
- La danse des chiens (The Dance of the Dogs)
- Oggy et Jack Vont à la Chasse (Oggy and Jack Go Hunting)
- La Statue Du Roi (The King's Statue)
- Le Défilé (The Parade)
- La Romance d'Oggy (Oggy's Romance)
- Les Cafards Montent un Plan (The Cockroaches Bring Up a Plan)
- Oggy et Jack Galopent (Oggy and Jack Gallop)
- L'Évasion (The Escape)
- Thème d'Olivia (Olivia's Theme)
- 31 Décembre 1899 (December 31, 1899)
- Chez Sherlock (With Sherlock)
- Les Cafards Volent la Clé puis la Bombe (The Cockroaches Steal the Key and the Bomb)
- Enquête dans la Boutique (Investigation in the Shop)
- Carnaby Street
- L'Hélicoptère (The Helicopter)
- Poursuite Aérienne (Aerial Pursuit)
- Big Ben
- La Fête de Fin d'Année (New Year Party)
- Oggy-Wan