Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki
Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

"Oggy and the Cockroaches: The Movie (soundtrack)" was an album released on August 5, 2013, produced by Vincent Artaud. It was labelled by Sony Music Entertainment.


  1. Générique (Opening)
  2. La Vie au Village (Village Life)
  3. Poursuite Néolithique (Neolithic Pursuit)
  4. Voyage de Cro-Magnon (Cro-Magnon Voyage)
  5. Le Voyage de Jack (Jack's Journey)
  6. Les Pirhanas (Piranhas)
  7. Les Méchants Chiens (The Vicious Dogs)
  8. Oggy et Olivia (Oggy and Olivia)
  9. Oggy Passe à l'Action (Oggy Takes Action)
  10. La danse des chiens (The Dance of the Dogs)
  11. Oggy et Jack Vont à la Chasse (Oggy and Jack Go Hunting)
  12. La Statue Du Roi (The King's Statue)
  13. Le Défilé (The Parade)
  14. La Romance d'Oggy (Oggy's Romance)
  15. Les Cafards Montent un Plan (The Cockroaches Bring Up a Plan)
  16. Oggy et Jack Galopent (Oggy and Jack Gallop)
  17. L'Évasion (The Escape)
  18. Thème d'Olivia (Olivia's Theme)
  19. 31 Décembre 1899 (December 31, 1899)
  20. Chez Sherlock (With Sherlock)
  21. Les Cafards Volent la Clé puis la Bombe (The Cockroaches Steal the Key and the Bomb)
  22. Enquête dans la Boutique (Investigation in the Shop)
  23. Carnaby Street
  24. L'Hélicoptère (The Helicopter)
  25. Poursuite Aérienne (Aerial Pursuit)
  26. Big Ben
  27. La Fête de Fin d'Année (New Year Party)
  28. Oggy-Wan

