Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

Oggy VS Super Roach is the 46th episode of Season 1, and was remade as the thirteenth episode for Season 6 under the title Super Dee Dee. While repairing the cockroaches' TV in one stormy night, Dee Dee is struck by lightning, which gives him super strength. However, Dee Dee lets this get to his head, causing him to be a villain toward Oggy and even his fellow cockroaches, Marky and Joey.


The Cockroaches are watching football, outside of the weather thunderstorm, Dee Dee wanted to fix the TV antenna, but was struck by thunder and it electrocutes Dee Dee.

Marky and Joey are going into Oggy's room while Oggy is sleeping, Marky and Joey opens the medicine closet and hides inside, and Oggy is closing the medicine closet. Dee Dee got electrocuted for trying to fix the TV anteena, Dee Dee picks up the pipe. Dee Dee is going to break the TV, Dee Dee is going to pick up the couch and spins it, and throws it out of the window, Oggy is angry at Joey and Marky, Dee Dee is going to spin Oggy and throws him into the picture frame. Marky and Joey laughs and claps, Dee Dee shows their muscles. Oggy is going to pick up the wooden hammer from his drawer, and Oggy is going to hit Dee Dee with wooden hammer, but he failed, Dee Dee throws Oggy into the wardrobe. Dee Dee is going into the kitchen, Dee Dee breaks the fridge doors and spills everything from the fridge, Marky and Joey are hungry, Marky and Joey are eating the chicken drumstick. Oggy is using a vacuum cleaner to prepare to suck up Dee Dee, and Dee Dee breaks Oggy's vacuum cleaner. Dee Dee is going to pick up the chair and makes a cage, Dee Dee throws Oggy into the cage, Dee Dee using muscles and yawns, Marky and Joey are sleeping in Oggy's bed. Dee Dee is going into Oggy's former room, Dee Dee is angry, and casted out Marky and Joey from the bed, Dee Dee is now sleeping inside Oggy's bed, Joey gets angry and couldn't shift into the bed.

Dee Dee is going into the kitchen, Marky and Joey are eating the chicken drumstick. Dee Dee is going to eat everything, Dee Dee throws the apple onto Marky and Joey, and Dee Dee laughs and burps. Oggy is stuck inside the cage, Marky and Joey are eating popcorn, Dee Dee lifts the couch, Marky and Joey got hit onto the floor and spilled the popcorn, Dee Dee is now eating popcorn. Marky is standing, Joey is walking around and thinking, Joey picks up the chalk and paints an idea onto the chalkboard, Marky and Joey are hiding, and Dee Dee is going into kitchen, thunderstorm hits into the pipes, and fridge, Dee Dee is angry and throws the cage away, the thunderstorm hits into the cage, Marky and Joey breaks the cage. Dee Dee is eating popcorn, Marky and Joey were angry and pummels Dee Dee. Oggy is going to lift the house, and breaks the glass pane and throws the cockroaches away into outer space. Oggy rebuilds the house back to normal, Oggy is now using his muscles to show off his strength he's got over the cockroaches.




Other languages[]

Language Name Translation
Arabic الصرصور الخارق Super Roach
French Super-Cafard Super Roach
Russian Огги против Супер-таракана Same as original meaning



Oggy and the Cockroaches - Oggy vs Super-Roach (s01e48) Full Episode in HD


Oggy and the Cockroaches ⚠️ 1H ⚠️ PRISONER OGGY (Season 6 & 7) Full Episodes in HD

End at 6:37


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