Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

Oggy Cranes His Neck is the 43rd episode of Season 7. Oggy wants to elevate his house, so he goes online and buys a used crane that he has trouble mastering. The cockroaches are quick to steal it from him, and boy, are they going to have fun with it!


Inside of Oggy's home when the cockroaches are snoozing lazy then Oggy cames in with a Ipad then it shows how's the house gonna be with 3 extra floors then he accidently steps on the cockroaches were here at then he thorws them out the window then the cockroaches spot the construction side and then back inside Oggy is having a idea how to build some new 3 floors then went to the Crane shop then he spots the prize that it cost 90000 dollars but he didn't have enough insted he bough a old piece of junk crane that was rusty and old then he retuned home with the crane and Joey spots it and then it gives the trio a idea.

Meanwhile Oggy was going up the ladder shadders into pieces then he got up he puts the key in the Keyhole then he spots a spider in the instructions book then he blows the spider away only to realize that the rest of the pages is empty then he was getting difficulties of controlling the crane then Bob spots Oggy with the bezerk crane and laughs at him only to get karma by him then The cockroaches got up and push Oggy away from the chair then they pull the roof top off and Oggy gives them a Ok sign only that the crane won't stop moving then the crane destroyed most of the houses and then the crane gets alive and then the crane involves a crew of cranes to captured Oggy then the cockroaches turns him into a robot like the others and the cranes walk away.

Oggy demands the cockroaches to build the 3 floor house suddenly the rope snaps and the rooftop fells on Oggy while cockroaches smiters the house collapses destroying itself then Oggy looks at his house destroyed.


  • When the crane came to life, it resembles Godzilla.




Oggy and the Cockroaches - Oggy Cranes His Neck (s07e43) Full Episode in HD


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