Oggy's House is the main location of Oggy and the Cockroaches. It is where most of the episodes take place.
The design of his house, and that of his neighborhood seems to be inspired by the Long Island houses. The houses in Oggy's neighborhood are built on equi-arial rectangular plots. Oggy's house is unique, featuring a distinct purple roof, a chimney, a balcony above the garage, a roofed porch, a teal door, multi-colored awnings covering all of the windows and Oggy sculptured mail boxes outside. In Season 5, Oggy's house is completely different from the default view. Oggy has a big home in 17th century India as he stays in a kingdom which he stays in the mahout quarters and have an elephant shed.
The interior of the house itself appears to be largely inconsistent throughout episodes, and many times don't obey the laws of physics. There is an endless bundle of staircases in Oggy's house, each one being at least a mile long. His house has endless rooms, which adjust their number, size, wallpaper to suite the situation, but strangely only has one bathroom. The rooms are largely disproportionate and some of them are as big as halls. The front door also changes positions, from being at the end of a passage outside the drawing room to directly in the drawing room itself. The walls are sometimes seen with countless spoofs of famous paintings including Mona Lisa as seen in Season 2 and Season 6. The house also appears mirrored or flipped in some episodes and it also has a swimming pool in which Oggy sometimes fishes. At the far corner of his backyard, Oggy's house has some palm trees. In some episodes, his house is also shown to have two elevators. He also has an attic which is small and right above his bedroom. In Season 5, Oggy's house is completely different from the default view.
Oggy and the Cockroaches: New Generation[]
It is similar to the original with a few changes. The transformation of Oggy postal statues into cat fur ball statues, and the post in front of him. The right side was changed from ordinary windows to a door, transformed from a chimney to a TV signal panel at the top.
A running gag throughout the series involves Oggy's house being destroyed in some spectacular and unusual way, especially because of too many destructions of Oggy's home in Season 2.
Season 1[]
S.no | Episode name | Method of Destruction |
1 | Bitter Chocolate | Explodes after Oggy sets off several explosives |
2 | French Fries | A truck loaded with fries crashed right into Oggy's home. |
3 | Wrong Side of the Bed | Is crushed by a massive UFO |
4 | Go Slow With Your Dough | When Oggy's home was flooded and gets exploded by water, rebuilded back to normal. |
5 | Occupied | When Oggy explodes his own home, Oggy needs to go to the bathroom. |
6 | House for Rent | Collapses after the wrestler breaks through one of the walls, causing the foundation to snap. |
7 | The Bait Bites Back | 1. The roof exploded after Oggy accidentally grabbed a bomb from a truck, destroying the roof.
2. Is repeatedly shot by Jack's rocket launcher. |
8 | Memory Lane | Burns away due to Oggy's bug spray being sprayed across the world. |
9 | Winner Takes All | Exploded by the rocket, rebuilded back to normal. |
10 | The Ghost-Hunter | While resurrecting the cockroaches, for a quick second, the house exploded.
Note: This doesn't happen in the remastered version. |
11 | Bugball | The house crashes into the Moon. |
12 | The Piggy Bank | When Bob crashed into the roof. |
13 | The Garden of Horrors | When Oggy wanted to sow seeds and ripped of the bag, it growed into the roof, removed the seeds, and returns back to normal. |
14 | Caught in a Trap | Oggy's home explodes due to gas leak being ignited by an exposed electrical current, rebuilded back to normal. |
Season 2[]
Sl.no | Episode name | Method of Destruction |
1 | Wash Day | Oggy's Home is sunken underwater. |
2 | All Out of Shape | The top-half of the house breaks apart after the Cockroaches' body explodes. |
3 | Hit the Road Oggy! | Crashed by the trailer, rebuilded back to normal. |
4 | Saving Private Dee Dee | Disintegrates after getting struck by lightning at the last moment. |
5 | Laughing Gas | A portion of the house is destroyed after Oggy explodes. |
6 | Copy Cat | 1. When Oggy kicks out Oggy's Robot and Bob crashes into the roof.
2. When Oggy kicks out the cockroaches and they crashes into the roof again. |
7 | Beware of the Bodyguard | Explodes after a fly unknowingly triggers a set of explosives |
8 | The Techno-Files | Is destroyed by Jack's robot mech. |
9 | Soldier for a Day | Explodes along with the entire world, due to a missile strike. |
10 | Saturday Black Fever | Explodes after Joey accidentally sets fire to Oggy's oil preserves. |
11 | Mayday! Mayday! | Cruise Ship crashed Into Oggy's Home, rebuilded back to normal |
12 | Oggy's Puzzled | Explodes into puzzle pieces after Oggy unknowingly triggers a bomb, rebuilded back to normal. |
13 | Going Up | Oggy's home was destroyed by an airplane crash. |
14 | Don't Rock the Cradle! | Explodes along with a huge chunk of the earth after Jack rings the door bell, incidentally igniting the house's gas leak. |
15 | Homebreaker | Explodes when the Cockroaches' missile is triggered. |
16 | Joey and the Magic Bean | The house gets destroyed by Joey´s feet, arms, and body. |
17 | The Blob | Disassembled into a paper-like state after the blob outgrows the inside of it. |
18 | Upside Down | It was torn off the floor and turned sideways by Bob. |
19 | Brainchild | Sucked into a black hole at the end. |
Season 3[]
S.no | Episode name | Method of Destruction |
1 | Night Watchmen | Likely destroyed by the nuclear explosion (offscreen) |
2 | Termite-ator | The entirety of the house is eaten by Dee Dee |
3 | The Fugitive | Oggy's Home was Grabbed by a Helicopter |
4 | Moving Out | The house had broken holes due to the TV smashing on the walls |
5 | Oggy's Double | The house roof jumps because of the explosives set by Joey |
Season 4[]
Sl.no | Episode name | Method of Destruction |
1 | Let's Party, Guys! | Oggy's home has being sprayed by toxin and poisons, placed fences and traffic cones. |
2 | Panic Room | The entire house is unfolded like an origami, due to the overuse of the Panic Room. |
3 | Fly to the Sun | Oggy's home exploded by rockets, dynamites, pushed it too hard upwards into the sky. |
4 | What a Lousy Day! | Oggy's home has crashed walls by Jack's Monster Truck, rebuilded back to normal |
5 | Skate Fever | When the Cockroaches with dynamites and TNTs Exploded Oggy's entire Home items, and was rebuilt back to normal. |
6 | Steamed Out! | The house splits cleanly in half when the steam pushed Oggy's Home too hard upwards into the sky. |
7 | High-Rise Nightmare | Oggy's home was thrown and pulled by Bob's Hook, rebuilded back to normal. |
Season 5[]
Sl.no | Episode Name | How the house is destroyed |
1 | Oggy and the Grasshopper Cloud | Oggy's Home has been destroyed by grasshoppers, and was later rebuilt. |
2 | Fragile Goods! | Oggy's Home explodes due to a firework reaction. |
3 | Oggy the Fakir | 1. When Oggy drinks chilli juice by the cockroaches, and flamed the wall.
2. When the Fakir plays cricket, he pick ups the ball as the cockroaches breaks the roof. |
4 | Oggy's Invention | Oggy's Home has been crashed into the wall, rebuilded back to normal. |
5 | The Big Move | Oggy's Home has been burned down, rebuilded back to normal. |
6 | Mythologgy | Oggy's Home has been destroyed by the storm. |
7 | Super Temor | 1.Oggy's Home blasts after the cockroach trio, Oggy, Olivia, Bob and the animals successfully come out of the pesticide can.
2.Oggy's Home and every house was sucked up by the pesticide can. |
Season 6[]
- Laughter Forbidden - A portion of the house is destroyed after Oggy explodes.
- Ups and Downs - It was torn off the floor and turned sideways by Bob
- The Loot - When Oggy's home was flooded and exploded by water, rebuilded back to normal.
- Bouncing Ball - Oggy's home crashes into the moon.
- An Intrusive Neighbor - Explodes when the Cockroaches' missile is triggered.
- A Rebel Bait - Is repeatedly shot by Jack's rocket launcher.
- Bad Luck Day - Is crushed by a massive UFO.
- The Tenants - Collapses after the wrestler breaks through one of the walls, causing the foundation to snap.
- Chocolate Wars - Explodes after Oggy accidentally sets off several explosives.
- Nature's Call - When Oggy explodes his home, Oggy needs to go into the bathroom.
- Puzzle Mania - Explodes into puzzle pieces after Oggy unknowingly triggers a bomb, rebuilded back to normal.
- Oggy Robot - 1. When Oggy kicks out Oggy's Robot and Bob crashes into the roof. 2. When Oggy kicks out the cockroaches and crashes into the roof again.
- Bath Time! - Oggy's Home is sunken underwater.
- A Greedy Friend - Disassembled into a paper-like state after the blob outgrows the inside of it.
- Bodyguard Oggy - Explodes after a fly unknowingly triggers a set of explosives.
- Playing Dough - The top-half of the house breaks apart after the Cockroaches' body explodes.
- Locked Out - When Bob got crashed into the roof.
- Bad Sport - Exploded by the rocket, rebuilded back to normal.
Season 7[]
- The Black Gold Rush - Explodes after Joey accidentally sets fire to Oggy's oil preserves.
- Oggy the Babysitter - Explodes along with a huge chunk of the earth after Jack rings the door bell, incidentally igniting the house's gas leak.
- The Whiz-Kid - Sucked into a black hole at the end.
- Drone Out of Control! - Oggy and Jack while sitting with the similar drone, and crashes into the roof. Rebuilded back to normal.
- Oggy's Exoskeleton - Is destroyed by Jack's robot mech.
- Oggy's Jungle - When Oggy wanted to sow some seeds and ripped off the bag, it grew into the Roof, removed seeds and returning the house back to normal.
- Lend Me a Hand Oggy! - When Oggy throws his mechanical hand at Joey and crashed into the wall, rebuilded back to normal.
- Oggy's Vacations - Crashed by the trailer, rebuilded back to normal.
- Sharing Oggy - Tightened up by Monica's leaf vacuum, rebuilded back to normal.
- Oggy's Elevator - Oggy's home was crashed by an airplane.
- Oggy Cranes His Neck - Crashed from bricks and roofs in the end.
- High Security Fridge - Oggy's home explodes due to gas leak being ignited by an exposed electrical current, rebuilded back to normal.
- A Dreamy Cruise - Into Oggy's Home was Crashed by Cruise Ship, rebuilded back to normal.
- Poor Sports - Crashed into the walls, rebuiled back to normal.
- The Food Dispenser - 1. While Oggy with dry saw cutted everything and destroyed. 2. While Oggy with different tools wants destroy food machine, returned back to normal.
- The Witch Hunt - When Oggy-dragon destroyed the roof, rebuilded back to normal.
The cockroaches inhabit the filthy sewers of the house. The exact location within where they sleep, eat and hang out varies each episode. Oggy explores it in It's a Small World, Inside Out and The Witch Hunt.
Air vents[]
They are mostly used by the cockroaches in order to access easily Oggy's kitchen to sabotage the fridge, as seen in episodes such as Mission Oggy, Caught in a Trap, The Fugitive and others spying-comedy-based episodes or brief opening sequences. However in The Hiccup and Don't Rock the Cradle!, Oggy chases the cockroaches inside the vents.
- Jack's house is near Oggy's house. Despite this, in some episodes it is located farther away. (example: Airship House)
- Unlike the other houses in Oggy's neighborhood, Oggy's roof is tinted violet/purple.
- Interestingly, Oggy's house has a garage, however there isn't any sort of driveway in front of it, making it impossible for a vehicle to reach it without driving on to the lawn. The garage itself is rarely used and Jack usually drives Oggy around in his monster truck.
- In the episode A Soft World, it is unusually possible to see a house being identical to Oggy's house near Animville. This is most likely an animation error.
- The shape of the stairs in Oggy's house differ from every episodes.
- The house is much smaller on the outside, but much bigger in the inside, a reference to TARDIS from Doctor Who, Snoopy's doghouse and a clown car.