Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

Panic-stricken by the weight shown on the scale, Oggy decides to go on a diet. Taking the bull by the horns, he empties his fridge of all the dreadful and delicious temptations that taunt him…

Official synopsis, [1]

Oggy's Diet is the 30th episode of Season 1 and was remade as the fifty-sixth episode for Season 6 under the title A Fit Body for Oggy.


Oggy had eaten a lot of sweets and popcorn one morning, and it overloaded his weight, until Joey took it up the stairs, with the former taking a long and tiring climb up the stairs, only realizing that he's gone obese!

When he checked on the scale, he is excessively heavy, that the floor gave way, leaving the head. In the library, he had reviewed that he needs to get fit. So, in an ad, he views a magazine with an energy drink to make him fit, like an anti-fat detox drink. And so, while the cockroaches were in the fridge gorging, Oggy threw away the junk food inside and replaced it with a whole fridge of the detox the next morning.

One entire can will make him fit in an instant, but the effects doesn't last that long, as he is jammed in the doorway. Back at the scale, he is still fat, that the mechanism sprung out from its casing. He started doing exercising by first trampoline jumping, but at the last jump, the bottom is blocked by a brick the roaches placed, leaving him flat, entirely.

A couple of days later, his entire living room turns into a home-made gymnasium, by first doing any weight lifting, only for a cake to show up at his face, realizing he shouldn't eat sweets, throwing it away and drinking another detox. Still, the effects doesn't last long.

So, he gets a tape of an exercising video and participated in clearly. Joey watches in belief, he seizes the chance by speeding up the tape, forcing him to exercise even faster and much harder still. At the exercise bike, his sped up exercise stopped there, until a single screw leaves it loose, crashing into a woman and dog's house.

After that incident, he returned not with abs, but a standard optimal. He ultimately celebrates it with, apparently, eating cake and ice cream inside his safe, leaving him obese again. Although he enjoys eating, he doesn't want an empty stomach. So the roaches got away with the desserts, leaving Oggy in realization, he should exercise again, due to his diet.

Apparently, Dee Dee is also fat, so he gets Oggy's exercise manual, for a change, while Joey and Marky enjoy the cake. Dee Dee gets a dose of the detox and gets a visit to his girlfriend. Finally, the roaches laugh at their younger brother as his detox effects wear off.



  • In this episode, Bob appears invisibly but in The Lottery Ticket, Bob appears in actuality.
  • This is the most viewed episode of first season.


  • This is Lady K's last appearance in Season 6 and the whole series.




Other languages[]

Language Name Translation
Arabic حمية أوجي Same as original meaning
French Le Régime d'Oggy Same as original meaning
Ukranian Дієта The Diet



Oggy and the Cockroaches - OGGY’S DIET (S01E29) Full Episode in HD


Oggy and the Cockroaches - A fit body for Oggy (s06e56) Full Episode in HD


  1. Oggy and the Cockroaches - OGGY'S DIET (S01E29) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on Nov 10, 2020, on YouTube. Accessed November 10th, 2020.)