Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

Jack and Oggy are calmly playing bowls in the garden. The cockroaches rummage through the house and discover one of Oggy’s costumes in the closet. Taking advantage of Oggy’s momentary absence, the clone takes his place…

Official Synopsis, [1]

Oggy's Clone is the 59th episode of Season 1, and was remade as the ninth episode for Season 6 under the title Oggy's Costume. The cockroaches play a hit-and-run prank where they frame Oggy by dressing up as him and attacking Jack, which make Jack believe that Oggy was the one who attacked him.


Oggy and Jack are outside in the backyard, playing a game of pétanque. Jack aims for one of Oggy's boules, spins his arm with all of his might and tosses it at full force, sending it flying through the air and knocking Oggy's boule out of the way, which he is proud of. Meanwhile, the cockroaches are watching them from one of the windows and duck down, walking along the hallway and whistling when Dee Dee comes upon a wallpaper decked out with fish patterns and licks his chops. Marky and Joey continue to walk until they pass by an open closet, decide to take a look at whatever is inside of it and whistle for Dee Dee, who had just eaten the skin off of the fish on the wallpaper, to come and check it out. The closet contains a suit in Oggy's likeness, which they jump into and step out of the closet, walking in a clumsy, awkward manner. Popping out of the suit to laugh at the tricks they could pull while in it, the cockroaches approach a window to spy on the two cats playing their game.

As Jack looks on smugly, Oggy aims his boule and tosses it, where it rolls along the gravel and past the other three boules and the jack. Jack thinks Oggy missed until the boule makes a U-turn and makes contact with the jack, scoring another point for the former. As Jack prepares to toss his boule next, Oggy tells him he will be taking a bathroom break and heads into the outhouse to relieve himself, and it is at this moment where the cockroaches peek out from behind the outhouse in the Oggy suit and make their way over to the playfield, where Jack is measuring the distance between his and Oggy's boules. Picking up one of Oggy's boules on the grass, the cockroaches toss it through the air, where it lands squarely on Jack's head. Laughing at their trick, the cockroaches head behind the outhouse before Oggy flushes the toilet and heads back outside to see Jack hit by the boule, wondering what happened to him.

Removing the boule from his head, Jack accuses the real Oggy of being the one who did it and is about to slap him when a pair of cops drive by in their police car. Seeing this, Jack instead decides to pat Oggy on the head to avoid getting in trouble with them, and they drive off. The two cats return to their game of pétanque, where Jack aims his boule and makes the throw, once again knocking one of Oggy's boules away. The turn then passes over to Oggy as he throws his boule, which rolls to the left and knocks Jack's boule out of the way, bewildering Jack. Oggy suddenly hears the telephone ringing from within his house and, once again telling Jack he will be gone for a brief moment, heads inside to call whoever's on the other end.

Peeking out from behind a tree, the cockroaches in the Oggy suit walk up to Jack, whom he easily mistakes for the genuine article, as he prepares to aim and toss his boule. As Jack turns his arm forward and backward to aim, the cockroaches replace his boule with a bomb, which detonates in his face. Just then, Oggy finishes his phone call and heads back outside to the charred Jack, who is about to hit him for this perceived act when the pair of cops drive by again. Like before, Jack pats Oggy's head for them to pardon him and drive off.

Oggy and Jack once again resume their pétanque session, where the latter tosses his boule and ends up knocking Oggy's boule away. Yet again, Oggy tells Jack he will be taking a short break and heads into the bathroom to fill up the bathtub with water and relax in it. However, the cockroaches have one more trick up the suit's sleeves, as they make their way over to Jack, pick up two boules next to him and toss them in the air. As Jack looks on, the boules land on a hammock and are shot up into outer space, then they later fall back to Earth and land on Jack's tail and left foot, respectively. Looking over to "Oggy", Jack has had enough of "his" nonsense and finally slaps "him", knocking the suit's head off as the body falls limp onto the grass.

Thinking he's killed Oggy, Jack panics as the policemen show up in their car once more. Wondering what to do, Jack just barely manages to avoid arrest by picking up both parts of the suit and moving them as if they were alive, waving to the cops before briefly noticing the suit's head is backwards and turning it the right way. Luckily for Jack, the cops buy this and drive off, much to his relief. Once more, Oggy heads back into the backyard and over to Jack, who is still holding both parts of the suit. Seeing this, Jack directs his attention between the real Oggy and the suit and is relieved the real deal is alright before realizing he's been tricked. The cockroaches, now out of the suit, laugh over everything that they did to Jack as he catches on to their tricks.

To teach the cockroaches a lesson, Jack has Dee Dee and Marky tied to two respective boules as he and Oggy resume their game of pétanque. Aiming his boule, Jack spins his arm and tosses the boule at full force. The boule flies through the air with a screaming Joey tied to it as it falls down and crashes into the other boules, all while Jack looks on proudly.


  • The new title card for the remake episode shows one of Oggy's skin smiling while it hangs in the closet.
  • The title card music was later used for the title cards of the episodes Golden Eggs and A Jealous Guy
  • Starting with this episode, the random cartoony theme that debuted in The Piggy Bank has became the main theme for the series. The theme would continue to be used for the rest of the first season and the second season. However, due to the later seasons began reusing past Season 1 tracks from Hugues Le Bars, the last episode that used the theme was the Season 2 episode, Chatter Box.


  • In the original version for the episode, when Marky & Joey were walking in the hallway, Joey was accidentally recolored with Dee Dee's colors. This was fixed in the episode's remake.




Other languages[]

Language Name Translation
Arabic شبيه أوجي Oggy's Similarity
French Le Clône d'Oggy Same as original meaning



Oggy and the Cockroaches 👑Oggy's costume (S06E09) 🐱 Full Episode in HD


Oggy and the Cockroaches - Oggy's clone (s01e60) Full Episode in HD


  1. Oggy and the Cockroaches - Oggy's Costume (S6E09) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on Jul 2, 2019, on YouTube. Accessed Sep 7, 2019.)