Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

Oggy's Bag is the 63rd episode of Season 2, and was remade as the sixty-fifth episode for Season 6 under the title Magic Laundry Bag. Oggy and the cockroaches enter a world where laundry is alive.


Oggy is taking a "bath" by licking himself. When he is done, he finds his laundry bag smells, and then he goes to take it to the washing machine. However, what he doesn't know is that the cockroaches are in the washing machine too, and he orders them to get out of the machine. While he is not looking, the cockroaches steal his bag and then, Oggy is shocked to find his bag missing. He then chases the bag, whom Joey and Marky are riding, while Marky throws a sock like a banana peel. Oggy trips on it, and lands on his teeth. Joey and Marky then clean the floor, causing Oggy to speed up so much that when he collides with another washing machine, he trips right in it! Joey turns it on, and then Dee Dee arrives with the laundry bag. They then swap places: Dee Dee is riding on the bag and Joey and Marky are vice versa, leaving some clothes on the way. Oggy comes out and finds the clothes. He follows them as if he's following footprints, and then finds the roaches messing with the clothes. He screams and runs up to his laundry bag to catch the roaches, but they then jump in it, just in time! Oggy laughs and jumps in, too. While falling, Oggy notices some flying clothes, and is confused. Oggy now ends up in clothing world where a sock is bouncing away, spots a crowd of underpants decides to disguise himself as a underpants. Oggy pretends to be a underwear pants and they don't recognize the feline and he spots what he thinks is the cockroaches disguise as socks so he beats them up, stretches them and stomp and they cry out for help of their mom which beats Oggy up. The cockroaches laugh at him with his neck stretched so Oggy begin chasing after them into a zipper of Oggy's bag but his head gets zipped on, Dee Dee brought out a lit stick of dynamite he shove in Oggy's nose and his hand explodes with Oggy's skull and two remaining eyeballs ran away. Meanwhile, the cockroaches are still begining chased by Oggy until he falls down into a bag (which there is a picture of a buff jack) and he has all the coins, cares the coins in his pockets where the cockroaches are eating the money and ran away. Oggy and The Cockroaches walk on a journey, they went into a zipper, Oggy discovered a lot of clothing including shirts, underwater and pants so he goes into the factory treadmill only he blocks by a underwear. He tries to tell the underwear to but he said "no", he gives a perfect hand to him. The cockroaches spot a driving wheel as well as Oggy so the drive the bag until they ended up in a airport. Where they are in a airport treadmill until they get borrow into a bag and they get set into a plane then crashes into the arctic. Oggy and the Roaches saw polar bears wearing their clothes and Oggy begin to cry.





  • The scene where the heater slams onto Oggy before turning into a underwear was deleted in the Hindi dub, as it was deemed too violent.

Other languages[]

Language Name Translation
Arabic حقيبة أوجي Same meaning as original
French Oggy Bag Same meaning as original



Oggy and the Cockroaches - Oggy's Bag (s02e62) Full Episode in HD


Oggy and the Cockroaches -Magic laundry bag (s06e65) Full Episode in HD


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