Christmas Eve at the North Pole, where the toy factory is busier than ever. The penguins are working round the clock. Disguised as a penguin, the cockroaches kidnap Santa Claus!
Official Synopsis, [1]
North-Pole Panic is the 53rd episode of Season 4 and is a double episode.
The cockroaches disguised as penguin entered the present factory. After entering, the penguin went downstairs and saw other penguins making presents. A Christmas elf noticed the penguin, checked a list, and then began helping with present-making. The elf used fingerprint access to enter Santa Claus's office. Before the door closed, the penguin blocked it. The elf met with Santa Claus to receive orders, while the penguin pushed the door open, allowing his group to enter. Meanwhile, the cockroaches sneaked in silently as the penguins and elves continued their work.
Once the elf left, the penguin sneaked into Santa Claus’s office. The penguin took off his disguise, and Joey taunted Santa with a hammer before knocking him unconscious. The cockroaches dragged Santa into a gift box and used a forklift to take him out of the factory.
At Oggy’s house, Olivia decorated the Christmas tree and hold up the ladder, while Oggy and Jack placed the star on top. The doorbell rang, and Olivia went to answer it, leaving the ladder. Meanwhile, as the ladder fell off, Oggy bent the pine tree, causing him to fall and Jack to bounce, accidentally hitting a Christmas elf just as Olivia opened the door. In the living room, Olivia served tea to the elf, who asked Oggy about a fridge. The elf explained that Santa Claus had been kidnapped and the cockroaches, in demand, wanted the fridge. Oggy panicked, remembering the picture of the three cockroaches disguised as Santa Claus.
In the kitchen, Oggy introduced the elf to the fridge, which was filled with food. When the elf tried to take the fridge, Jack tried to stop him, but the fridge door banged on Jack’s head. Oggy became angry and refused to give up the fridge. The elf slammed Oggy to the floor, but Olivia begged him to stop. The elf checked the time—it was 15:22—and decided to take the fridge anyway. Oggy competed with the elf to keep the fridge, causing chaos until Olivia stopped them. Jack then dressed up as Santa Claus and helped the elf deliver presents.
Later, Oggy and Olivia came up with a plan to rescue Santa Claus, leaving Jack to deliver presents in the town with the elf. After the elf released the reindeer, Oggy tried riding one but fell. Olivia found a switch to control the reindeer, similar to an airplane. Olivia sat in front, fastening her seatbelt, while Oggy sat behind without one, screaming as Olivia drove. Then Oggy and Olivia headed to the Polar Continental. Seeing them flying, a pilot put on oxygen masks before continuing the journey to the North Pole.
On the sleigh, the elf saw Jack hiding because he was afraid of heights. To help calm him down, the elf gave Jack a paper bag to breathe into. When they reached a house, the elf told Jack to deliver the present. However, the chimney was too narrow for Jack to fit. Instead of giving up, the elf used a toilet brush to push Jack down the chimney along with the presents. As Jack was climbing back up, a dog named Pit appeared and started chasing him, forcing Jack to rush back up the chimney in a panic.
They flew to the North Pole and landed at the factory. Inside, a seal noticed Oggy and Olivia and smiled. Inside, they saw seals watching them curiously. Olivia smiled as she noticed penguins making toys, and the seals smiled back. In the research area, Oggy accidentally touched an electric globe and got shocked. Olivia found clues—a trail of forklift tracks and Santa Claus’s hat—leading to the discovery of a suspicious order for three flyswatters meant for the cockroaches. Oggy, in shock, fainted when he saw the order.
At the next house, the elf instructed Jack to deliver presents. Since the chimney was too small, Jack decided to throw the presents down. Unfortunately, he fell down the chimney, landing in the fireplace before bouncing onto the ground. Still, he managed to deliver the gifts.
Meanwhile, Oggy and Olivia reached the cockroaches’ hideout. Oggy went first but fell into a freezing lake. Olivia quickly grabbed and kissed him to warm him up. Oggy resurfaced and covered the cold lake, only to be chased by a polar bear, which made Olivia laugh.
To the third house, Jack delivered gifts where he got trapped and was mistaken for an intruder by a young girl and a police kid who thought he was an impostor Santa because of his beard. This made the girl cry. The police kid handcuffed Jack and tied him to a chair.
Back at the hideout, Olivia noticed smoke coming from inside and slipped in quietly. Inside, cockroaches were playing the cards while the Santa was tied. She saw Santa’s foot chained with Christmas lights while Joey patrolled. Olivia planned a rescue, but Oggy got stuck in the chimney and smashed into the fireplace. He grabbed a flail, intending to fight the cockroaches, but slipped and fell. The cockroaches attacked Oggy while Olivia picked the lock and sneaked inside to free Santa. She used a net to trap the cockroaches, freeing Oggy and stopping the fight just in time. Santa checked his watch—it was 23:56. Olivia handed him his hat, and Santa teleported to the reindeer cart.
Santa reunited with the elf, who hugged him happily. Jack, having waited too long, was finally released by Santa. Before leaving, Santa kissed Olivia’s hand, while the elf tried to kiss Jack, who ran away. Everyone—Santa, Oggy, Olivia, and even the cockroaches—smiled.
The next morning, it was time to open presents. Olivia received a green bow, Jack got underwear, and Oggy received a triple flyswatter. The cockroaches panicked and ran as Oggy began swatting them, hitting Dee Dee and Marky but missing Joey. Oggy continued chasing them with the flyswatter, ending the chaotic yet memorable Christmas.
- This is the first episode that is double length in runtime. This is denoted by the "Featuring: Olivia" text at the bottom of the title card.
- The Hallelujah part is from Messiah by George Handel.
Oggy and the Cockroaches - NORTH POLE PANIC (Special S04E71) Full Episode in HD
- ↑ Oggy and the Cockroaches - North-Pole Panic (S4E53) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on Dec 23, 2014, on YouTube. Accessed Oct 31, 2019.)