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Mission to Earth is the 62nd episode of Season 2, and was remade as the twenty-ninth episode for Season 7 under the title Welcome to Mars. Oggy and Joey unwittingly catapult themselves to another planet, in this case, Mars. They later see a spaceship leading toward the invasion of Earth from aliens disguised as garden gnomes. The directive is clear and the imperative is obvious now: foil the Martians and get back to Earth at once.


Oggy is doing his business with him finishing painting his last garden gnome, whom he is very happy with. However, unbeknownst to him, are the cockroaches hiding under a garden gnome and taking control of it. The cockroach-controlled gnome walks over to Oggy and kicks him in the behind, which Oggy then becomes startled of. Oggy turns back to see the matter and sees the gnome, who waves back at him and gives a stick of dynamite as a response. Oggy, however, is unsurprised as he knows that this is one of the Cockroaches' plans to blow him up. He then takes out the spark with his red detachable nose, and tries to break the gnome who was walking away with a ball.

He then launches it but misses, and it hits and ricochets off of all his gnomes. The pudgy blue cat then cries at his loss of all his afternoon hardwork, as the cockroaches laughed mischievously at his misery. Moments later, he then paints a red-X on the grass and puts a gnome on it. Right next to it, a large green swatter that will crush the cockroaches when they enter the gnome. Oggy laughs at his scheme, without knowing that the cockroaches know what he is up to. Oggy is seen hammering down onto a stake that will activate the trap, but then is lifted up by the butt by another swatter! Oggy gets flipped onto the swatter, which splats him. Joey then walks up to Oggy and waves at him, before going to remove the stake. However, Oggy manages to grab Joey before being catapulted to Mars.

Both crash land onto the pink-red planet. Joey then hops off of Oggy's hand, and struggles to breath due to the lack of oxygen on Mars. Oggy removes a stalk from his nose, but then is able to breathe properly without any hard problems. He then looks at Joey, whose cheeks are red and swelling up, start to blow into pieces. Oggy is then unimpressed with Joey's overreaction. The duo then start walking on Mars, in hopes of trying to find a way back, until a Mars Rover drives past and stops head-first into a rock. Joey points at it and looks at Oggy showing that it could be their machine back home. Joey runs up to it and opens one of the Rover's panels which reveals a button, which Joey presses. The button manages to function the satellite... which ends up swatting Joey. Oggy walks up to the Rover and looks at Joey, smiling at his encounter.

After the fiasco, the duo starts using the Mars Rover as a means to drive across Mars faster. After a few miles, Joey then points at a hill, which Oggy is fascinated at and the Rover drives up the hill. At the peak, Oggy and Joey see a large light-blue rocket amassing about 8+ stories high and a space station below. Oggy then waves his hand at the large object when Joey then points at something atop of a hill that is just a few miles away from them. The Mars Rover then drives to the other hill and stops. The machine reveals to be an elevator-like button system. Oggy then presses the up button, to which a few seconds later, causes an tiny elevator to asunder from the ground.

Joey goes in first and then waves bye at Oggy. Oggy then pushes the up button to try and get his own elevator. Another elevator then rises up which then reveals to be a long flight of stairs. Oggy, with no other choice, begrudgingly takes the stairs. Later, outside the space station grounds, showcases a neighbourhood with alien-coloured gnomes. Joey's elevator arrives there first, which he seems bewildered at the sight.

He then finds a gnome, to which he thinks it is a real person, when he doesn't respond, making him angry and causing him to kick the gnome. Oggy's elevator soon also arrives at the scene, with him being tired from walking all those stairs. Oggy walks over to Joey, and then swatters him at his stupidity. Both then walk out of the lawn to see where are they, until a yellow Martian walks on the pavement with a dog. The martian stops a while to eat his protein bar, while the dog walks up to the duo while sniffing at them.

Oggy tries giving him a cupcake to show that they are friendly, but the dog responds with a less appropriate response by showing his ray gun, which he fires at the cat. But, the dog ends up eating the cupcake with his tongue. Both of them retreat back to the lawn, where Joey is heard freaking out by what is going on. Oggy shuts him up with a second coming of the swatter to him and then points at the gnome, stating that they need to go undercover so as to not draw any attention. Oggy does just that and Joey laughs at him.

The Oggy-controlled gnome then walks up to a nearby bus stop, which another martian is seen standing by. Oggy does a crazy wave dance at the martian, who he backs up due to his weird action. A bus soon arrives and picks them up via vacuum system and then drives into the area right outside the space station. The bus soon arrives at its final destination and soon unloads all of the martians, who they all march to the space station. Oggy is the last one to come out of the bus and starts running to the interior of the space station. Once he arrives, Joey then points to show Oggy what the martians are up to.

The martians are seen to be aligned to a straight line in which one-by-one, they go under a machine that transforms/encases them into garden gnomes. Joey and Oggy look at each other, knowing that something is going on with those martians. Oggy then moves to a separate different line which have gnomes, who go up to a escalator and go inside the rocket, heading straight for earth. Amongst the large crowd, has their very own overlord, who is heard screaming.

Oggy realizes the picture, and quickly tells Joey on he can do to stop the invasion. The cockroach tells him to sneak under the rocket. He does just that and tries kicking or biting on the rocket's stands, but were futile. However, Oggy remembers the fuse that the cockroaches gave to him earlier and decides to use it to try and take down the stand. Oggy relights it, but due to it's short fuse, it immediately blows up just as Oggy was about to make a run for it. The whole rocket soon falls onto the martians' village, and soon their own leader, presumably killing him.

Oggy looks at the damage done, but the martians soon give Oggy a mad chase for foiling their plans and assassinating their own leader. Oggy makes it to the top of a cliff, with the martians almost reaching to him. He then blows his nose and leaps of the cliff, lauching him back to earth.

As they return to Earth, Oggy and Joey get charred during re-entry, and crash into Bob's yard, onto his bucket of paint. When Oggy regains consciousness, he panics upon seeing many gnomes, thinking that they are the martians, so he takes out a ball, throws it, and it riccochets and destroys all of the gnomes, much to Bob's anger. He walks over to Oggy and Joey, and beats both of them up.


  • The title card in the original episode is a reference to Star Wars.




Other languages[]

Language Name Translation
Arabic الرجوع إلى الأرض Back to Earth
French Les Envahisseurs The Invaders



Oggy and the Cockroaches - Mission To Earth (s02e63) Full Episode in HD


Oggy and the Cockroaches - Welcome to Mars (s07e29) Full Episode in HD


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