Marky suddenly starts growing uncontrollably. Pretty soon he is even bigger than the house and just can’t get enough to eat. He is going to loot and pillage the city for food. The police are on the lookout for the thief. Oggy has to hide the roach...
Official Synopsis, [1]
Mind the Giant! is the 23rd episode of Season 4.
One night, outside Oggy's house, the trash can lid is opened by Joey and he was finding food. He took an apple core but doesn't have appetite and threw it back in the trash can. Dee Dee then ate it saying it is tasty. Marky on the other hand finding anything edible in the trash. He later found a tree seed packet. He took a seed and ate it, which he found it tasty and showed it to his brothers, but they are busy fighting over a bone. Without his brothers knowledge, he kept the seed packet and walked as if he did nothing. Later when the trio were sleeping, Marky took the seed packet and ate more seeds until he was full.
At the morning, the cockroaches woke up. Dee Dee and Joey were shocked to see Marky was oddly larger than usual. He managed by saying that he has grown up. Then the cockroaches entered the kitchen cabinet on the wall to steal the food. Later, Oggy appears with his electric toothbrush, as Dee Dee and Joey came out with food on their hands, Oggy turns his toothbrush to the swatter to whack the cockroaches for stealing his food, but when Marky comes out, Oggy was shocked as he sees Marky is still much larger than usual, Oggy takes a closer look at Marky, Marky pushes Oggy's left eye. In the vent, Marky eats a whole box of pizza, Dee Dee is licking a fried chicken leg, but when Dee Dee is going to eat the chicken leg, Marky grabs it and eats it after hitting Dee Dee's head with the chicken leg, Marky also kicks away Joey who is hugging a large piece of salami and eats the whole salami. In the night, when the cockroaches are sleeping, Marky feels hungry, so he entered the fridge to have a midnight snack, Oggy goes by and sees Marky eating Oggy food, Oggy is going to whack Marky but then Oggy realized that Marky is now much larger than normal, his swatter isn't big enough to hit Marky, so he ignored Marky and sneaked back to his bedroom quietly. The next day, Marky is now more larger than the previous day that he pushed Joey out of their bed and squashed Dee Dee, then Marky reaches Oggy's bed and forces Oggy to allow Marky to lie on the bed because his bed into the vent is now too small for him. In the kitchen, Oggy is going to eat a sandwich but Marky forces Oggy to give Marky the sandwich and took all of the food in the fridge out and ate all of them, including his brothers, then he took his brothers who are munched by Marky out of his mouth with a toothpick.
He then goes to Bob's house to eat one of his ham. He also took one of his lollipops and took him down to Oggy's backyard. While Marky Was resting, Dee Dee was licking an apple core while Joey was reading. Dee Dee found a seed pack under the pillow and threw it to Joey. He found out that's how Marky grew. Marky became hungry and Oggy drops a truck of potatoes into his mouth.
Marky was still hungry, but Oggy ran out of money, Making him furious. After looting the market, the police appear and shown Oggy the first 4 pictures of Marky as a Giant. Oggy became nervous, thinking that he will get arrested. He shows the footprint, then made him think it was one of his lawn mowing. Marky disguised as a tree so the officers accept Oggy's new tree, But Dee Dee wants to attack Marky by biting his leg. The officers finally found out the disguise as he was howling In pain, arresting him.
Oggy, Dee Dee and Joey visit Marky in prison and gave him the shrinking seeds bonsai. Marky returns to normal, but the seeds are over capacity and shrunk him more. The duo chases Marky.
- The title refers to the phrase "mind the gap".
- This is the second most viewed video on Oggy's channel.
Oggy and the Cockroaches - Mind The Giant! (S4E23) Full Episode in HD
- ↑ Oggy and the Cockroaches - Mind the Giant! (S4E23) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on Nov 1, 2016, on YouTube. Accessed Oct 31, 2019.)