Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki
This article is about the character. For the episode, see Lady K (episode).

Lady K is the cockroaches crush and an antagonist in the show, primarily in the episode Wake-Up My Lovely.



Lady K is a female cockroach (and the only female cockroach in the series), who lives in Olivia's house. She became the cockroaches' crush in the episode “Lady K” when they first met her. In the episode “The Cucaracha”, she falls in love with the Cucaracha which resulted in Joey getting jealous.


Lady K wears red lipstick, a red sleeveless dress with black stripes, and red shoes. She also has light teal eyelids, possibly supposed to be eyeshadow.


Episodes appear in[]

Season 1[]

Season 4[]

Season 5[]

Season 6[]



  • With the exception of certain parts, Lady K. is mostly absent in Season 5, due to most of the episodes being "Through The Ages”.
  • With the exception of certain parts, Lady K. is also mostly absent in Season 6 and Season 7, due to most of the episodes being remasters of the first two seasons.
  • On "Oggy's Diet” (original version only) there was a similar cockroach that was shaped like her, but the hair was different.
  • Unlike Oggy who has various problems with Joey, Marky, and Dee Dee in his house and about everywhere, Olivia is completely unaware of Lady K. is living in her house. She probably doesn't know Lady K even exists, because she never met her.
    • Oggy never met Lady K. either, but in “Wake-Up My Lovely”, Dee Dee told Oggy that Lady K. poisoned Olivia. Oggy comes to Olivia's house to squat Lady K., but Lady K. escaped, instead of Oggy just wake up Olivia from her coma.
      • Olivia has met the cockroaches that Oggy and Jack have dealt with for years a few times, but never the cockroach in her own home.
      • Also, in the episode, it is revealed that Lady K. hates Olivia a lot more than Joey, Marky, and Dee Dee hate towards Oggy, as she tried to poison her to get rid of Olivia.
        • This proves that she might be more diabolical than the three mentioned roaches. Joey, Marky, and Dee Dee intend to make Oggy, also Jack, and Bob's lives miserable as possible and steal their food, while Lady K. wants to end Olivia's life.
  • She might be named after French rock band Mademoiselle K.