Jack’s nephew, a limp-wristed teen, spends a few days with Oggy. Oggy tries to play the super cool dude, but it really doesn’t suit him and the teen thinks he’s a total loser. The teen and Joey become super buddies and throw super parties together...
Official Synopsis, [1]
Jack's Nephew is the 34th episode of Season 4.
While Oggy was working, Jack rings the door then Oggy opens. Jack said that he could take care of his nephew. While Jack's Nephew stays at Oggy's house, his room is full of teen-royalty for a toddler. But Cockroaches in bed then Oggy hit three cockroaches and tell him out. Nephew take off backpack and using phone, Oggy go out but Nephew don't care.
Oggy peel potatoes when nephew go outside and stand look tree. Oggy want nephew play tennis but he not, next bocce ball but he not too, Oggy bring basketball and football to play but he not too. Oggy drag statue horse and make swimming area. Nephew found surprise, Oggy try Yacht racing, Kiteboarding and bound jump rope but nephew not. Nephew call pizza and want buy 13 pizza, he happy and bring home to eat but pizza maker want Oggy pay.
Oggy monitor Nephew reading comics and using the phone, Oggy saw pizza messy. He enter Nephew's room, clean pizza and junk. Oggy tell Nephew let Oggy read comics, but Oggy hold upside down and tell Nephew back to the comic. Oggy bring pizza box eated to throw trash. Joey think get the pin back but fear think Jack to beat Joey, Nephew give slice of pizza to Joey and go now.
In night, Oggy monitor Nephew using phone. Next day, Oggy call Nephew wake up but Nephew bundle up the blanket, Oggy arrange food on the table to wait Nephew. Now 12:00pm, Nephew finally wake up and find cabinet but not found. Oggy told Nephew food already table but he not want, he want cereal. Oggy tell no cereal here. Nephew start screaming and mad, Oggy tell Nephew wait Oggy go to shopping buy cereal. Joey saw Nephew sad and give pieces of cereal. Nephew want Joey touch hands and fists. Dee Dee and Marky think Joey befriend Jack's Nephew. Nephew and Joey dancing but Oggy tell volume down, Joey still dancing, Oggy want swatted Joey but Nephew tell Joey is friends by Nephew. Nephew give back phone and give back fly swatter to Oggy.
Nephew and Joey eating cereal when Oggy mowing the grass. Oggy went to bed and broke back. Hearding sound, Nephew and Joey is dancing. Oggy seal ear and Dee Dee and Marky too. Next day, Oggy go to kitchen and saw Dee Dee and Marky want open cabinet with crowbar but Oggy open cabinet and tell 2 cockroaches take out all the cereal boxes. Oggy think don't know Nephew is not cereal boxes here. In 12:00pm, Nephew finally wake up and Oggy prepare first breakfest. Nephew pour cereal boxes but empty and not found cereal boxes here, Nephew start screaming and mad again when Oggy unaware. Joey saw and tell Nephew pieces of cereal here. Nephew push Joey out into Cabinet, he eat follow trace pieces of cereal when Oggy create trace cereal to Nephew go home. Oggy driving go to Jack's house and continue create trace cereal to rings the door call Jack. Oggy bring all to stuff into Nephew and go now, Oggy finally relax and Cockroaches too when eating cereal.
- Two posters in Jack's nephew's room are parodies of the bands Iron Maiden and The Ramones.
Other languages[]
Language | Name | Translation |
Arabic | الثنائي المزعج | The Annoying Duo |
French | Le Neveu de Jack | Same meaning as original |
Oggy and the Cockroaches - Jack's Nephew (S04E24) Full Episode in HD
- ↑ Oggy and the Cockroaches - Jack's Nephew (S4E34) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on May 19, 2015, on YouTube. Accessed Oct 31, 2019.)