Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

Oggy has been burgled! Depressed, Oggy reacts strangely. He acts as if nothing had happened. He pretends to watch TV (which isn't there), to open up the fridge (which no longer exists) and he eats a (non-existent) drumstick... Dee Dee heads off to investigate!

Official Synopsis, [1]

Inspector Dee Dee is the 37th episode of Season 4.


Oggy walks to his house door and sees something strange, but the door locker is broken. As Oggy opens the door, all of his stuff are missing, so he cries hysterically and calls the police. However, the police didn't see it so he leaves, but Dee Dee pulls him and points the fridge that he wants to eat some food then Police stomp Dee Dee. Oggy goes to his living room and sits down on his pillow while Joey and Markey face him. When he grabs the remote, Oggy starts whistling and Joey leaves with Markey sitting next to Oggy. To solve this problem, Dee Dee is thinking about food so he gets a flour and spreads it over the place by seeing footprints. Oggy is hungry and goes to the kitchen with Marky, pretending he was food. Markey gets one and eat it but Oggy wasn't happy, so he tries to squish Markey with his hands, then they start chasing around.

In the environment, Dee Dee spots colored bubbles and looks closely but it reaches the sewer. As Dee Dee falls down, he sees a giant rat to tell if it stole things, but the rat doesn't know where those are. Dee Dee got an idea and pays the rat money so it will tell him where, however, he shows the rat a frying pan and squishes it, then draws the location in a paper (even the frying pan doesn't fit in his wallet). After that, the rat wrote it because he doesn't want to be beaten again.

Back at Oggy's house, Markey pretends to be beaten, and laughing and reapers the same thing and they laugh each other and they jump in the pillow and say ahhh and eating chips and Joey thinks that they are crazy again.

When Dee Dee comes out the sewer, he follows the map where Oggy's things are and puts on his mask then uses his security card to open the lock. Inside, he realizes Oggy's things were there and encounters a red octopus. Furious, Dee Dee and the octopus face in a duel until he chases it out. After the "battle", he finds a truck to bring back the missing things at Oggy's house.

As Oggy and Joey are playing guitar, Dee Dee comes to his house and greets Oggy and Joey that the furniture is arrival. Dee Dee then finds the swatter and gives it to Oggy while it cries hysterically as the background tone starts saying alleluia. However, Oggy starts splatting Marky and Joey until he chases Dee Dee. Much to Oggy's habit of beating cockroaches, Joey laughs hysterically.


  • This is the only episode that Marky is a friend of Oggy instead of his enemy and also fights with cockroaches except in the end when Oggy got the swatter.
  • The Wilhelm Scream can be heard like 2 times. Oggy & Marky watching TV & Dee Dee beats up the Octopus.
  • This is the 2nd time where an Octopus steals Oggy's belongings, first being Octopus. Additionally, both Octopuses look nearly identical.




Inspector Dee Dee


  1. Oggy and the Cockroaches - Inspector Dee Dee (S4E37) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on Mar 31, 2015, on YouTube. Accessed Oct 31, 2019.)