Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

Hide and Go Whiskers! is the 52nd episode of Season 7. The cockroaches cut off Jack's whiskers so they can use them like pogo sticks. But with no whiskers, Jacks panics. Oggy tries a miracle "whisker growing lotion" but the result is going to be very weird!


Jack with his long Whiskers is cooking Sausages on a Grill. Then puts the Sausage on Oggy's Plate. But when he tries to eat the sausage, the Cockroaches from underneath the Plate, run away with the Sausage. Oggy's Sausage got stolen, but jack squishes the Cockroches with a Spatula. Then jack saw Oggy's Sausage had been flattened, like a Pancake. Then The Cockroaches move the plate, and they start crying. Jack tell cockroaches want sausage but he throw sausage plate into high tree, then Cockroaches try climb tree to get sausage when Marky fear of heights and fall down slam Joey and Dee Dee. Jack laughed because he couldn't get the sausage and he throw sausage create form a sausage tree. Oggy clap when Jack suscess. Joey angry because he couldn't get the sausage.

Jack sleeping then Joey cut Jack's Whiskers to make springs and 3 cockroaches jumping to get sausage. Sausage fall into Jack and he waking when sausage steal all. Jack climb tree and unable to stand and afraid of heights. Jack look face any whiskers has been completely cut off then cockroaches eat sausage, Jack crying due lost whiskers and scary. Oggy saw Jack about to fall and call for rescue. Jack saw the other man's beard and intended to take it but failed. But Jack want take bread, Oggy waving hand Olivia, Jack can't see my face anymore then cockroaches laughing.

Jack look mirror and crying, saw magazine then unknown turn on TV and turn out Joey switch channel, Jack see whiskers fly around into Jack and still crying. Oggy created beard growth perfume, Oggy spraying Jack's whiskers and look mirror good. Jack run out and meet Olivia then give bouquet to her, Jack want kiss but Olivia beat Jack.

Oggy shave to Jack and re-spary but Joey push up, bread grow Jack's hair to Rock singer. Oggy shave again Jack then he re-spary but Dee Dee drop soap and become Dog then piss it. Oggy shave all Jack's skin, Joey stole it and both chase Joey but Joey spray roof and all room. Oggy try find but too many whiskers, then he create Oggy's head and try find kitchen when Joey eat fried chicken. Oggy prepare chase then Joey spray and jump out sprayed all over like: tree and chair, bench and Olivia too. Olivia can't see my face due whiskers and she crying. Jack want whiskers and shave Olivia's whiskers. Oggy tell Jack stop when Olivia run into gargage to hide. Jack try find Olivia but not found, Joey think idea add more perfume oil. Jack finally find Olivia and start shave when Olivia scary and runaway. Joey add more perfume oil then shelf fall down and spray all house. Oggy using lawnmover to find Jack. Finally Jack got beard back, Oggy torture Cockroaches with sausage hypno when 3 cockroaches crying and want bite it but broken teeth.




Oggy and the Cockroaches - Hide and Go Whiskers! (s07e52) Full Episode in HD


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