Jack has turned Oggy’s garage into a car mechanic’s garage. Bob is their first customer. His car needs fixing. And Oggy-the-grease-monkey is on duty. Problem: he doesn’t know the first thing about car mechanics. The cockroaches decides to get involved with Oggy's mission...
Official Synopsis, [1]
Grease-Monkey Oggy is the 41st episode of Season 4.
Oggy is sitting in his garden, reading a magazine of Modern Cars. That's when Jack comes, closes Oggy's eyes and gives him a surprise. What Jack explains is that he has opened a garage. He shows that he has a load full of tools and has an air pump and a petrol pump. However, Oggy doesn't understand anything, and thinks Jack has lost it. His brother assures him that everything is OK. That's when a Modern Car comes to their house. And it is revealed to be Bob's. And now what is going to happen, anybody can tell. Jack tries to give him a warm welcome by bowing and calling him. However, it becomes a cool Welcome, after Bob steps on Jack. He says that the engine is very noisy, and wants it to get it repaired. Jack steps in checks the gear. It was really noisy. Jack came out and confidently said that the car will be repaired in 2 hours. Bob shines his goggles and walks off. Jack sat in the car and began loading it into the garage. The cockroaches were checking the Wheel-stands of the garage. Marky tapped it with it's wrist saying it's hard, paid very neatly. That's when the car comes, and sandwiches them. Oggy tries to adjust the car properly and tells Jack to go front, back, front, back, totally squishing up the poor gang. When the car got adjusted, Oggy tried to Mind his own restness. Jack stopped him, gave him Mechanic's clothing and told him to do some work, and said the car should be ready in 1 and a half hour. Oggy tried to argue, but Jack was already asleep. Oggy sets on to work. He opens the front of Bob's car and starts tinkering and repairing the engine, while throwing unwanted metal pieces at the cockroaches behind him. Oggy gets exploded by Joey giving him a dynamite, making Oggy's clear objective much more difficult. Oggy slides in, and crashes into the side of the car without lifiting it first.
With Bob's car lifted up, Oggy can now check the source of the problem. He uses a screwdriver to remove the screw, but gets splashed by oil in return. Marky and Dee Dee screws with Bob's car and removes the wheels from Bob's car, while Joey unlifts the car, injuring Oggy. The cockroaches laugh at his predicament as Oggy groans and lifts Bob's car. Oggy removes all 4 screws and sees the mess of rainbow-colored wires. Oggy tidies it up, and puts the cover back on. Oggy had wondered where's Bob's key right now. The cockroaches had stolen Bob's key! Oggy gets furious and chases them through the garage, and got tools thrown at him, but Oggy dodges them all, until Oggy got hit with a pipe. Oggy had an idea! The cockroaches laughs as they thought they had lost track of Oggy, but Oggy yells, grabbing the key off of Joey. Oggy had thought he was safe, but Oggy screams in fear as he hit a lot of cans, unfortunately letting Joey take Bob's key. Dee Dee plans to squish the car, but Oggy intervenes in time, unfortunately letting himself be squished by Bob's car. The cockroaches trio decide to torment Oggy some more, by pulling the lever repeatedly until it breaks. Oggy drops from the ceiling, and the cockroaches laugh. Squished Oggy got out and inflates himself on the hat, and gets angry. Marky spills a can of oil to make Oggy trip into the wheels, and the cockroaches make a mess out of Bob's car. Oggy got up in a lot of wheels, and the cockroaches laugh.
The cockroaches tries to flee with Bob's key, but Oggy was using the tires to roll and crash the cockroaches, and Oggy found Bob's car key, and the cockroaches roll over and over again. Oggy plans ahead to clean up, because Bob's Car was messy and he fixed them up, his job is now done, and Jack says, Are you done? But, Bob is really still minute too late, and Jack is worrying and got the car key. Jack drives first and suddenly crashed the gasoline station. Oggy and Bob were shocked because Jack is crazy, suddenly he explodes the car, but Bob is Grinning with his sharp teeth and gets angry at Jack, and now Jack is really afraid.
Oggy and the Cockroaches - Grease-Monkey Oggy (S4E41) Full Episode in HD
- ↑ Oggy and the Cockroaches - Grease-Monkey Oggy (S4E41) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on Aug 30, 2016, on YouTube. Accessed Oct 31, 2019.)