Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

After getting electrocuted, Oggy and Joey turn into a REAL cat and a REAL roach. But their friends and family don’t recognize them and they are run out of the house. The only way to return to normal is to get re-electrocuted in an electrical plant!

Official Synopsis, [1]

For Real! is the 20th episode of Season 4.


When Joey steals Oggy's MP3 player, he chases Joey to Bob's Electric Power Plant. Joey throws Oggy's MP3 player into the wiring but gets himself and Oggy electrocuted. They both turned into a realistic forms each. Bob sees them. At the start, Bob believes that Oggy is just an original and random cute stray cat and starts adoring him. Then, Oggy angrily hisses at the brown bulldog to which Bob gets frightened at first, then he aggressively roars at the small blue cat in defense. Bob throws Oggy out of the power plant.

Then, Joey and Oggy go in their house. Joey is small enough to go under the door and get to his house. Dee Dee and Marky are scared about him as they don't have any idea that it's Joey, and start attacking and kicking him out. Oggy isn't tall enough to open the door. Jack who is watching TV and eating sushi, hears Oggy's meow. Jack believes that it's just a stray cat and tells him go away but Oggy wants to stay. Jack gives him cat food but Oggy doesn't accept it and goes inside the house. He wants to eat Jack's octopus but Jack again tells him to scram. Oggy starts to scratch his back brutally and Jack very angrily launches him into a garbage can.

Then, Oggy is crying by seeing his photo in the picture frame. Joey tells him that if they want to turn back to their respective previous selves, they must go into the power plant. However, Bob stops them as they enter the power plant, and they can't return to normal. He then throws them into two Joey and Oggy's wanted photos. Dee Dee and Marky start attacking Joey with brooms but Jack finds out by Oggy's meowing that the cockroach is really Joey and the cat is really Oggy. Jack, Marky & Dee Dee come up with a plan to turn Oggy and Joey back to normal.

They hop into Jack's jeep, drive to the power plant, breaking through the barbed wire barricade and crashing into Bob. Dee Dee steals the wrench from Bob and throws it to the wiring. Oggy and Joey become normal again, but Jack, Dee Dee and Marky become real animals. Oggy and Joey start giggling at them. Then, Bob appears and seems that he too transformed into a real bulldog and starts pummeling Oggy, Joey, Dee Dee, Marky and Jack.




Oggy and the Cockroaches - For real (S04E20) Full Episode in HD


  1. Oggy and the Cockroaches - For Real! (S4E20) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on May 2, 2017, on YouTube. Accessed Oct 31, 2019.)