Oggy finds a pretty yellow butterfly in his yard and it starts acting like a pet. Oggy quickly teaches him how to do tricks like a circus animal. Olivia falls under the butterfly’s charm. Bob is jealous...
Official Synopsis, [1]
Butterfly Race is the 30th episode of Season 4.
On the behind house, Oggy is drinking juice with a long straw, then Bob cuts the bush and blows the leaves, then Olivia is practicing yoga, and the butterfly flies off of Olivia.
Then the butterfly comes to Oggy's nose but Oggy blows the butterfly away, but it's back, Oggy blows it away again, but it still come, then Oggy looks at the butterfly, then his neck spins, then Oggy tells the butterfly to get off, but the butterfly comes to his finger.
Then Oggy walks into the kitchen to feed the butterfly with some honey. When the cockroaches sees it, Dee Dee was dribbling for the food, when Dee Dee went to steal the food from Oggy's butterfly, Oggy hits Dee Dee on the head, then Joey and Marky are laughing.
When the butterfly gets scared, it gets hesitant. Oggy went to the butterfly and wear a pull rope to the butterfly, Then he comes to Bob, then the butterfly is peeing in the bush, then comes to Olivia, then Olivia sees it being so cute and crab hands, then, Bob was angry, but Bob hears something, someone was eating his carrot, then Bob takes it, and it’s Marky.
Then Oggy and Olivia see the butterfly flying, Olivia was laughing, then Marky flies, it comes to Olivia and Bob was showing some skills to Olivia, then Oggy was angry, then shows the butterfly to come to the circle, then Bob comes to Oggy, and take a circle and uses a lighter to make a fire circle, then Marky tries denying his request, but Bob was screaming for him to do it, Marky comes to the fire circle, but turns into ashes in the process, then Olivia is watching with the crab hand, but Oggy was angry and furious.
Then the butterfly uses the spin jump move, so cool, but Marky failed, and then Oggy is feeding his pet with honey. Then both Oggy and Bob came to the bridge to test who is a genius, then Marky is scared of heights, but Bob was screaming, then Marky fell, but failed to land again, then Bob and Oggy were angry, but Olivia tells them both. Who wins the race will have a trophy filled with honey.
On the outside house, Olivia pours the honey into a trophy, then both butterfly was dribbling and Dee Dee was dribbling, Oggy gives a back massage to his butterfly, but Bob gives a crab hand massage to Marky. Then Olivia shoots the gun, but the duck falls, and The competition has started.
Both butterflies were catching up to the competition! Oggy's pet is likely to win, but Bob walks behind the house, then Bob takes a mirror and shines the light at the butterfly's eyes, then Oggy's pet fainted, then, Oggy uses eyewashes to help the butterfly, then Oggy grabs some honey to power it up, when Bob sees Oggy's pet revitalized, Bob was shocked as to why it was revived again. Then, Bob hit Oggy's head, and Oggy hits Bob's teeth.
Then Dee Dee was looking without anyone seeing, then Dee Dee comes to the trophy, completely eating the honey, then, both butterflies were hitting each other, but Marky kicks the butterfly completely off the race, when Oggy sees it, Oggy opens his body to grab some honey, then shoots to his butterfly, then the butterfly was eating and boosts his speed to very fast with fire, then Marky's wing got burned, then Marky blows off to Bob, then Bob fell on the grass, completely obvious that he lost the race.
Due to his butterfly being very fast, it flied to every place, then flies to Oggy, and Olivia walks to Oggy with the trophy, when the butterfly opened the trophy, it was shocked when he saw Dee Dee inside the trophy, having eaten all of his honey, then the butterfly was mad, then the butterfly leaves. Oggy was crying, then Oggy and Olivia went to the house, and Dee Dee was laughing inside the trophy, burping as well.
- The sound when the butterfly eats the honey was given by Oggy at the race is the same power up sound used in the Super Mario franchise. One is from Super Mario Bros, and the other is from Super Mario World.
Oggy and the Cockroaches - Butterfly Race (S4E31) Full Episode in HD
- ↑ Oggy and the Cockroaches -Butterfly Race (S4E30) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on Nov 18, 2016, on YouTube. Accessed Oct 31, 2019.)