Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

Oggy finds a parrot in his yard and decides to adopt it. The bird, who is a real genius at imitating voices, is going to provoke some mighty embarrassing misunderstandings with the neighbors...

Official Synopsis, [1]

Buddy Parrot is the 13th episode of Season 4.


Oggy is using the comb to comb the grass, when Oggy heard a Parrot making the sound, all of the grass had transformed unbeautiful, then Oggy saw it, but the Parrot looks at Oggy. Then, Oggy was feeding the Parrot some used beans, but the Parrot had not ate it.

Then Oggy knew it. Oggy went to the kitchen to grab some cupcakes in his fridge, then microwave it, Oggy comes to the Parrot to feed the Parrot, and when Parrot saw the food that it liked, the Parrot flew to the cupcake and ate it.

Then, Oggy grabs every cupcake inside the fridge to send Parrot into the kitchen, then the cockroaches see Joey and Marky go back, but Dee Dee also has known when the Parrot equals eating some cupcakes, it also equals Dee Dee can have some plumes.

When Oggy slept, the Parrot was mimicking Oggy's sound. Oggy was watching, and is wondering why Parrot was mimicking Oggy's sound, Oggy says meow, the Parrot also says meow same as Oggy, then Oggy is out of his room, then Dee Dee comes to the Parrot to pull the plume, then Parrot was screaming, Parrot used his foot to tear up Dee Dee, then Dee Dee transforms into a lot of cubes, then Marky and Joey was shocked and laughs, then Dee Dee assembles himself with the cube and shows the plume, that meant it was a collection of plumes.

When it was morning, the alarm clock was ringing to wake him up, and Oggy stops the alarm clock, then Oggy was still sleeping. But Oggy still heard the alarm clock, and Oggy used his wooden hammer to break the alarm clock, but Oggy sees the Parrot mimic the alarm clock sound, then Oggy goes downstairs, but Parrot still mimics the alarm clock sound, then it would not stop. Oggy used some bread to close the ears.

When Oggy was out of the toilet room, Oggy was saying quiet to the parrot, then Oggy was going outside the house to play some ball, then Oggy makes a command to Parrot to go get it, but Parrot doesn't mimic that, then Dee Dee used a swinging racket to catch Parrot completely, when Oggy did not see it, then Parrot was screaming, then flew to the sky, and Dee Dee got struck by thunder to himself.

Dee Dee was hit by the pillar and fireplace on the other house, then Oggy comes into the house for an unknown reason, why there's no Parrot on his head, then Parrot comes back home, then hit the painting, then Parrot was shaking off Dee Dee to the Cockroaches' place, then transforms into worms, and Joey and Marky were laughing, then Dee Dee now have 2 plumes.

Then Oggy cuts the bush, then Oggy cut the bush on a semi-circle then calls Olivia to come here, then Oggy was telling what is the Parrot when Oggy says meow, Parrot mimics any sound and it heard every sound, then both were laughing, but Parrot makes a bathroom sound, then Olivia was gone when she heard a bathroom sound.

Then Dee Dee was hiding inside the flower pot, went to the Parrot to pull the plumes, when Parrot saw it, Parrot gets mad, when Dee Dee saw it, however, Dee Dee stops moving, the Parrot was flying the circle style with the blade, and drops it on him to tear DeeDee's leathers up, then go back, then Dee Dee comes back and tells Joey and Marky, I have 3 plumes now! And then it was complete, but it had a bad event on Oggy's behalf.

Then Oggy was dreaming, when Oggy heard the Parrot making a sound, he grabs a bucket to make the Parrot quieter, when Oggy saw Parrot went missing, Oggy called the doctor and grabs Parrot along, and went to the car to start the car, and Parrot was making a car sound, when the man heard the car behind was a click trumpet car, the man comes to Oggy's car, then the man was hitting Oggy.

Then Oggy came to the vet waiting rooms, heavily wounded, and the doctor was reunited with Parrot, and grabs a bandaged fish to show Oggy, but Oggy ran off in fear.

Oggy was microwaving the cupcakes, when Oggy saw Dee Dee, Oggy was shocked to see him as a parrot, then Oggy was now feeding Dee Dee, and then Marky and Joey was dribbling in actual shock.


  • Two characters that resemble Sharko and Marina from Zig & Sharko appear in the vet's waiting room.




Oggy and the Cockroaches S04E13 Buddy Parrot


  1. Oggy and the Cockroaches - Buddy Parrot (S4E13) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on Jun 12, 2015, on YouTube. Accessed Oct 30, 2019.)