Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

Not to be confused with A Charming Guy.

During a lovely day in the yard, Joey photoshops some pictures and makes Oggy believe that he has had a fling with Olivia, the lovely neighbor. Oggy is super jealous and begins to act very strangely. But no one can understand why.

Official Synopsis, [1]

A Jealous Guy is the 5th episode of Season 4.


Oggy saw Olivia walking to her house a bit sad, so he invited Olivia to his pool to cheer her up and Olivia accepted. Cockroaches also went in with Oggy trying to catch them. Oggy catches them and stuffs them in a fountain which greatly launches them into outer space and orbits them back for a devastating crash landing. Joey wants to get revenge by editing photos seemingly as if they were dating. When Olivia told Oggy to give her sunblock, Oggy suddenly saw Joey's edited photo and as a result, his eyes turn black and went to Olivia. When she grabbed the sunblock, Oggy tries to take the sunblock but the sunblock ended up squirted at them both. Jack arrives with his monster truck, Olivia told Jack that she is okay. Jack went to Oggy. Jack tries to see the photo but Oggy enters the dining room and holding the photo, starts crying hysterically. Jack enters the dining room, takes the photo from Oggy and looks at it. Jack starts laughing hysterically, throws away the photo and tells Oggy to be brave and forget about the photo. Oggy, looking brave, goes to Olivia and she kisses Oggy, making him fall in love again.

The cockroaches, however, hidden in a gnome, took another photo again and re-edited it. Oggy wants to take a tennis racket to play tennis, but suddenly Joey's photo appeared again in Olivia's bag, thus turning his eyes black again and he showed it to Jack, but when they throw a ball, the ball clearly hit his eyes. Oggy, not expressed, suddenly cries hysterically, both of cats not knowing why. For the second time, Jack wants him to break up with Olivia, but she again kisses him again with Oggy telling Jack everything is fine now, but Dee Dee bites him, and Oggy tries to catch him but then Joey's photo's appeared. For the third time, Oggy had black eyes and go forth to the ravine seen in his eyes with his car. Olivia knows about this and sad, cries hysterically. Jack tries to solve it and notices one of the gnomes are laughing and he discovers the cockroaches and take their camera. He discovered the photos are only edits and not real. So he told Olivia what happened and also to tell Oggy what happened while Jack attacks and punishes the cockroaches. Olivia calls Oggy and told him what happened to in which he was excited but accidentally pressing the accelerator, falling off the ravine. He was brought back home injured by Jack and Jack and Olivia play ping-pong using the cockroaches as the balls while Oggy cheers for them.


  • When Dee-Dee bites Oggy's toe, Oggy screams in pain with a mix of 4 scream sound effects.


  • The English title card used the term "Scénario" from the original French version, rather than "Script" as per usual.

Joey is missing long nose




Oggy and the Cockroaches - A Jealous Guy (S04E05) Full Episode in HD


  1. Oggy and the Cockroaches - A Jealous Guy (S04E05) Full Episode in HD (published by OGGY on Feb 24, 2015, on YouTube. Accessed Mar 30th, 2019.)