Oggy and the Cockroaches Wiki

While picking mushrooms with Jack, Oggy gets bit by a snake. It's countdown time as a disquieting purple spot starts spreading all over poor old Oggy's fur! Despite the traps set by the cockroaches on Oggy's rush back home, Jack manages to save him...

Official Synopsis, [1]

7 Minutes & Counting is the 32nd episode of Season 2, and was remade as the seventy-second episode for Season 6 under the title Green Trouble. While picking mushrooms with Jack, Oggy gets bitten by a snake. It's countdown time, as a disquieting purple spot starts spreading all over poor Oggy's fur.


It was a bright sunny morning and the 2 cats, Oggy and Jack were busy collecting yummy mushrooms for dinner. Jack was collecting the mushrooms, and Oggy was carrying them in a trolley. Tired, after pushing the heavy trolley up a hill, Oggy went to piss near a tree. While he did, a snake bit his foot unexpectedly, resulting in him being infected with some purple poison entering into him. He panicked and began to run from one place to another. Jack saw him and caught him. Oggy said he is bitten by a snake. Jack gets shocked by this, and stopped the flow of poison from entering in his body. He carried Oggy in the mushroom trolley, but the cockroaches were laughing at this, and made a plan to stop them. Marky was trying to puncture the wheels of the trolley, but Joey took him.

Their plan for the cockroaches is to make a log avalanche, which flattened Jack and he folded himself into an airplane, and saved Oggy back to his house. Jack crashed, but he was okay. But suddenly, the rolling logs followed them smashed Jack on the door.

Oggy, panic-stricken, informs Jack to call the doctor, but Joey has cut the wires, preventing that from happening. Furious, Jack shook the phone and when he opened it, he saw Joey, looking nauseated. A chase is ensued. Meanwhile, Dee Dee spread butter on the floor, preventing Oggy from running to the TV, and the poison started to fill up all over him again. Joey stops at the doorway. Jack gives him a rag and then smacked him. Jack, shocked, after catching Joey, ran to the rescue, and rammed the sofa through the wall, and crashing into another, causing an anvil on the shelf to fall on him.

Other things made him move after the cockroaches took Oggy, but Jack comes to the rescue: A jackhammer; a cement mixer, on which he was jackhammered and chainsawed; and a lawnmower tied to a tree, on which the third one, caused it to mow all over Earth. It stops, and its motor springs him up out of Earth, and onto a space shuttle.

The cockroaches begin to honor Oggy, and Oggy collapsed. Jack came just in time from space, and called the doctor. Saved after this, the 2 were going to enjoy the mushroom soup, but he stopped Jack and went to the library, and in a book, he read that the red mushrooms turns out to be poisonous fungus. He was going to warn Jack about it, but he was too late, as Jack ate the soup and was poisoned green. It was Oggy's turn to call the doctor, but the cockroaches broke the phone, and laughed.


  • This is the only episode in Oggy and the Cockroaches to start with a number.
  • The title is a reference to the general runtime of Oggy episodes, which are roughly 7 minutes long.



  • Fred Vervisch's name is misspelled as Fred Vervish in the title card.
  • In YouTube, the remake is titled "Purple Trouble", which may refer to the color of the snake poison in the original. However, the remake used green for the poison.




Other languages[]

Language Name Translation
Arabic لدغة الأفعى Snake Bite
French 6 Minutes Pour Vivre 6 Minutes To Livec



Oggy and the Cockroaches - Seven Minutes and Counting (S02E109) Full Episode


Oggy and the Cockroaches - Purple Trouble (s06e72) Full Episode in HD


  1. Oggy and the Cockroaches - 7 Minutes & Counting (S2E109) Full Episode (published by OGGY on May 24, 2017, on YouTube. Accessed Sep 8, 2019.)

Oggy and the Cockroaches 🐍🍄 NATURAL HAZARDS (Season 6 & 7) Full Episode in HD
